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Taking it for granted that Superintendent Leckhard had long since left his office in the Pacific Southwestern building, Lidgerwood gave orders to have his car placed on the station-spur, and went on with his work.

We have only the one wire, and it's on temporary poles most of the way. It broke down on us this morning, and I can't raise the end-of-track." "Block number two," said Adair cheerfully. "We seem to be out of luck this evening." Then, with searching abruptness: "Do you call yourself Ford's friend, Mr. Leckhard?" "Rather," said the Saint's Rest Pooh Bah. "He hired me; and when he goes, I go."

Nevertheless, it was after dark when the "01" pulled into the crowded material yard in the high mountain basin and Leckhard came aboard to find out what had brought this second private-car visitation. He was relieved not to meet North to be confronted only by a pleasant-faced young man who seemed to have the car all to himself.

North for everything in sight, and the ultimate ruin of the Pacific Southwestern. On the other hand, I can't have Ford fighting the family or my uncle which is just what he will do if he gets his blood up and doesn't quit in a huff. It's up to you to trundle this car over to the seat of war, Mr. Leckhard." The division engineer was thinking hard. "I can't see how it's to be done, right now, Mr.

The trainmaster came to report that a careful search of Callahan's files had not disclosed any message to Leckhard. Also, he added that Dix, who should have come on duty at three o'clock, was still absent. "What do you make out of that?" queried Lidgerwood. McCloskey's scowl was grotesquely horrible. "Bullying or bribery," he said shortly. "They've got Dix hid away uptown somewhere.

Adair he was crawling up Blue Canyon, with a train crew which was under orders to give him ample time to study the scenery. He has probably reached Saint's Rest before this, however, and once there, Leckhard will give him anything in sight. The question is, will he attempt to run the extension to-night?" The middle MacMorrogh thought not, and his younger brother agreed with him.

Have you sent the Nadia back to Denver for repairs?" "Yes; Frisbie went over in it this morning." "Frisbie?" "Yes, I had to let him go. Word came from Leckhard as soon as we got the wire reestablished, which was late last night. North was taken suddenly ill the day after the explosion.

Tryon, who is heading it, sent word down a little while ago that the men would wreck every dollar's worth of company property in Angels if you didn't countermand your wire of this morning to Superintendent Leckhard." "I haven't wired Leckhard." "They say you did; and when I asked 'em what about it, they said you'd know." The superintendent's hand was on the knob of the corridor door.

When Leckhard was gone, Lidgerwood climbed the stair in the station building to the despatcher's office and gave orders for the return of his car to Angels.

It was an order to Penfield not to let anything interfere with the president's buckboard trip whatever that might be with authority to incur any expense that might be necessary, using the telegram as his credential with the MacMorrogh Brothers if more money were needed." "To pay for the buckboards?" asked Adair. "You may search me," said Leckhard.