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Breath failed him here, and he was obliged to stop. "He is ashamed of his tears!" whispered Lebedeff to Lizabetha Prokofievna. "It was inevitable. Ah! what a wonderful man the prince is! He read his very soul." But Mrs. Epanchin would not deign to look at Lebedeff. Drawn up haughtily, with her head held high, she gazed at the "riff-raff," with scornful curiosity.

"Excuse me, prince, but what are your arrangements?" asked Lebedeff, tipsy and exasperated, going up to Muishkin. "What do you mean by 'arrangements'?" "No, no, excuse me! I'm master of this house, though I do not wish to lack respect towards you. You are master of the house too, in a way; but I can't allow this sort of thing "

He seemed confused and almost at a loss. "Just look, Lizabetha Prokofievna," he began, with a kind of feverish haste; "these china cups are supposed to be extremely valuable. Lebedeff always keeps them locked up in his china-cupboard; they were part of his wife's dowry. Yet he has brought them out tonight in your honour, of course!

Lebedeff came rather early before ten but he was tipsy already. Though the prince was not in an observant condition, yet he could not avoid seeing that for at least three days ever since General Ivolgin had left the house Lebedeff had been behaving very badly.

You came and told me about it one morning, and then went off to Petersburg. There, NOW do you understand?" "Oh h h! You mean the four hundred roubles!" said Lebedeff, dragging the words out, just as though it had only just dawned upon him what the prince was talking about. "Thanks very much, prince, for your kind interest you do me too much honour. I found the money, long ago!" "You found it?

"I hear you have called twice; I suppose you are still worried about yesterday's affair." "What, about that boy, you mean? Oh dear no, yesterday my ideas were a little well mixed. Today, I assure you, I shall not oppose in the slightest degree any suggestions it may please you to make." "What's up with you this morning, Lebedeff?

Not that he had any difficulty in finding a tenant; in fact the house was occupied at present by a chance visitor, who had told Lebedeff that he would perhaps take it for the summer months.

"My eyes!" said Rogojin, really surprised at last. "The devil take the fellow, how does he know that?" "Why, he knows everything Lebedeff knows everything!

She came to me directly she arrived 'Save me, Lukian! find me some refuge, and say nothing to the prince! She is afraid of you, even more than she is of him, and in that she shows her wisdom!" And Lebedeff slily put his finger to his brow as he said the last words. "And now it is you who have brought them together again?" "Excellency, how could I, how could I prevent it?" "That will do.

"It is the truth," he replied, with extreme respect. "Oh, Mr. Lebedeff, I am told you lecture on the Apocalypse. Is it true?" asked Aglaya. "Yes, that is so... for the last fifteen years." "I have heard of you, and I think read of you in the newspapers." "No, that was another commentator, whom the papers named. He is dead, however, and I have taken his place," said the other, much delighted.