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Hornby wants to have a few words with you before we go into court. You see, she is one of the witnesses, and she is terrified lest she should say something damaging to Reuben." "By whom was the subpoena served?" I asked. "Mr. Lawley sent it," replied Mrs.

"Did not you tell me that an English judge did once declare that a man's home was his castle, which he was pledged to defend from invasion and assault. What else is my garden? That brute of a Bouquet came spying about my castle, and I did but defend myself. Is it not so?" "It may be so to you, young Bonaparte," Lawley replied; "but not to your judges.

There is no doubt, I suppose, as to the identification?" "None whatever," replied Mr. Lawley. "The Scotland Yard people, of course, took possession of the paper, which was handed to the director of the finger-print department for examination and comparison with those in their collection.

W. Brodie H.J. King A. Bailey Sir Drummond Dunbar H.E. Becher F. Mosenthal H.A. Rogers C. Butters Walter D. Davies H. Bettelheim F.R. Lingham A.L. Lawley W.B. Head V.M. Clement W. Goddard J.J. Lace C.A. Tremeer R.G. Fricker J.M. Buckland J. Donaldson F.H. Hamilton P. du Bois H.B. Marshall S.B. Joel A.R. Goldring J.A. Roger Thomas Mein J.S. Curtis

My aunt went off to see Mr. Lawley directly we got Walter's telegram." "Yes; I dislike him extremely. Do you know that he had the impudence to advise Reuben to plead 'guilty'?" "He told us he had done so, and got a well-deserved snubbing from Thorndyke for his pains." "I am so glad," exclaimed Miss Gibson viciously. "But tell me what has happened.

Francis Lawley, Special Correspondent to the Times, and Mr. Vizetelly, Special Correspondent of the Illustrated London News, round the Confederate camps. "By order of General Lee," he says, "I introduced the party to General Jackson. We were all seated in front of General Jackson's tent, and he took up the conversation.

The late Duke of Devonshire, the late Lord Wolseley, and Francis Lawley were among his successive companions. At one time he and the first-named shared the same tent and lent socks and shirts to one another.

You must see for yourself that there is no defence possible." The young man flushed crimson, but made no remark. "But let us be clear how we stand," said Thorndyke. "Are we defending an innocent man or are we endeavouring to obtain a light sentence for a man who admits that he is guilty?" Mr. Lawley shrugged his shoulders. "That question can be best answered by our client himself," said he.

William had entered his service since he had lost his child; he could not therefore know him; nor could he himself be sure so strange, so altered, did the baby look. "But Edwy knew his own father in a moment; he could not run to meet him, for he was tightly held by the gipsy, but he cried: "'Oh, papa! papa is come to Edwy! "The old woman knew Mr. Lawley, and saw that the child knew him.

Jeb Stuart led to it the lovely Louisianian. Mrs. Fitzgerald drew off her gloves and gave them to General Magruder to hold, relinquished her fan to Mr. Jules de Saint Martin, her bouquet to Mr. Francis Lawley of the London Times, and swept her white hand across the strings. She was a mistress of the harp, and she sang to it in a rich, throbbingly sweet voice, song after song as they were demanded.