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These mountains afford a retreat to thousands of bears and wolves, which are continually pouring down and prowling about to prey upon the herds of deer, so that the Laplanders are continually obliged to fight them in their own defence.

The Laplanders, near Umea and Soersele, in the 65th degree of latitude, drink spring-water, the temperature of which, in the month of August, is scarcely two or three degrees above freezing point; while during the day the heat of the air rises in the shade, in the same northern regions, to 26 or 27 degrees.

She looked behind her no more; but made her way rapidly through the ravine, the more rapidly because she had seen a man ascending by the same path at no great distance, and she had little inclination to be joined by a party of wandering Laplanders, seeking a fresh pasture for their reindeer; still less by any neighbour from the fiord, who might think civility required that he should escort her to the seater.

Snow lay heavily over all the country he would have to traverse the only means of conveyance was by carriole or pulkha the latter a sort of sledge used by the Laplanders, made in the form of a boat, and generally drawn by reindeer.

It does not, however, improve their complexions, which are said to be, in their native state, not unlike the color of a well-cured ham. King Bull they found had the largest house, and a very large family. The Laplanders marry young, and it is not unusual for a grandfather to be under twenty-five years of age.

The manifest, I may say the undeniable, affinity between the myths and legends of the Northeastern Indians and those of the Eskimo could hardly be passed over, nor at the same time the identity of the latter and of the Shaman religion with those of the Finns, Laplanders, and Samoyedes.

To the Hindu she was the Lady Isani. She was the Ceres of Roman mythology, the Cybele of Phrygia and Lydia, and the Disa of the North. She was worshipped by the Muscovite, and representations of her are found upon the sacred drums of the Laplanders. She swayed the ancient world, from its southeast corner in India to Scandinavia in the northwest; and everywhere she is the "Mater Dolorosa."

Upon the conclusion of the peace of Ryswick, he went to Paris, where he became acquainted with Monsieur Boileau, who invited him to his country house, entertained him very elegantly, and spoke much to him of the English poetry, but all by way of enquiry; for he affected to be as ignorant of the English Muse, as if our nation had been as barbarous as the Laplanders. A gentleman, a friend of Mr.

Von J.N. Tetens. Leip. 1788. 8vo. Holstein, Jutland, and Sleswick, countries in which we possess few travels, are accurately described in this work. Reise durch einige Schwedische Provinzen. Von J.W. Schmidt. Hamburgh, 1801. These travels contain curious particulars respecting the Nomadic Laplanders. Arndt, Reise durch Schweden, 1804. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1806.

They wore it hanging over their shoulders. It was indeed a strange sight, and I looked at them with great curiosity, for I had never seen such people before women who were sailors, some captains of boats, going to sea and braving the storms of the inhospitable ocean. Captain Petersen said to me: "Almost all these sea Laplanders own their crafts.