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Assuming that laminitis is due to absorption of harmful products from the intestinal tract permitted through the deranged functioning of the organs of digestion, or assuming that it is due to an extension of the inflammation from the mucosa to the sensitive lamina, or that it is a reflex from a sudden chilling of the skin, we have in any of these conditions a disturbed circulation, and aconitin is the first and foremost of circulation "equalizers."

Extremely young leaves have active petioles; one with the lamina only 0.15 of an inch in diameter, that is, about a twentieth of the full size, firmly clasped a thin twig. But leaves grown to a quarter of their full size can likewise act.

The granite is cut in its turn by long horizontal dykes of the hardest quadrangular basalt, occasionally pudding'd with banded lumps of red jasper and oxydulated iron: from afar they look like water-lines, and in places they form walls, regular as if built. The rounded forms result from the granites flaking off in curved lamina, like onion-coats.

In the treatment of this condition certain physicians had recommended the insertion into the ear of a thin lamina of lead, upon which it was believed that the mercury would fasten itself and might thus be drawn out. Avicenna objected to this that the mercury was liable to speedily pass into the ear so deeply as to be beyond the reach of the lead.

However, the change in the position of the lamina cribrosa must exert a deleterious effect, particularly on those fibers which pass through the peripheral meshes, the shape of which must necessarily be much distorted. XLII. p. 145; Opin. Soc. Arteries and veins are both affected. Hyaline degeneration of the media also occurs. The process is not uniform. Glaucomatous Cup.

In each cell of the epidermis of a great part of this family, especially of those with membranous leaves, a single circular areola, generally somewhat more opaque than, the membrane of the cell, is observable. This areola, which is more or less distinctly granular, is slightly convex, and although it seems to be on the surface is in reality covered by the outer lamina of the cell.

At the first instant the water is turbid, but immediately after the flat surfaces of the plates of mica are seen all alone, reflecting a silvery light, as they descend slowly, to form a distinct micaceous lamina. The mica is the heavier mineral of the two; but it remains a longer time suspended in the fluid, owing to its greater extent of surface.

The labrum and the complicated lamina formed by the lip and the jaws leave between them a narrow slit in which the mandibles work. The legs are merely vestiges, for, though they consist of three tiny cylindrical joints, they are barely a fiftieth of an inch in length. The creature is unable to make use of them, not only in the liquid honey upon which it lives, but even on a solid surface.

In this way deep cuts may divide the coronary band and inflict extensive injury to the sensitive lamina as well. An infectious type of coronary inflammation occurs in some localities during the winter months, wherein the condition is enzootic. Symptomatology.

The point of the tongue is less horny, and from the stiff points of the tail-feathers lamina are beginning to grow, making them more like other birds'. A future generation will undoubtedly wonder where this peculiar kind of thrush got his unusual tongue and tail, just as we wonder at the deformed little feet and strange ways of a cuckoo.