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She wuz smart as she could be, and had a feelin' that she wanted to be sunthin' in the World. But then the old folks wuz took down sick and helpless, and one of the children had to stay to home. And Isabelle staid, and sent Krit out into the World. She sold her jewels of Ambition and Happiness, and gin him the avails of them.

Freeman wuz cut out for each other. Every time I see Isabelle and Krit and Thomas J. had often made some app'intment where our family party could all meet and every time I see her, I liked her better and better. And Maggie, who of course had seen more of her than I had, bein' in the same house with her, she told me in confidence, and in the Mexican Exhibit, that "Isabelle was an angel."

"The whole Injun question is a satire on true Goverment, a lie in the name of liberty and equality, a shame on our civilization." "What would you do about it?" said the kinder good-lookin' man. Sez Krit, "If I called the Injuns wards, adopted children of the Goverment, I would try not to use them in a way that would disgrace any drunken old stepmother.

One of 'em wanted 'em shot right down to once, and exterminated jest as you kill potato-bugs. The other wanted 'em drove further off and shet up tighter till they died out of themselves; but they wuz both agreed in bein' horrified and disgusted at the Injuns darin' to fight the whites. And first I knew Krit jest waded right into the talk.

I wuz a-tellin' Krit about that Equinomical Counsel that wuz held to Washington, D.C. And though I hain't no hand and never wuz to find one word of fault with my dear companion to outsiders, still, as he wuz all in the family, I did say that his Uncle wuz at one time very anxious to go to it.

He hain't like me in lots of things; he is more for dabblin' on the surface than divin' down under the water for first causes, and he spoke up the minute I had finished my last words, and sez he "Krit and Thomas Jefferson are a-comin' here to dinner; they are goin' up to Zoar on business, and are a-goin' to stop as they come back. And I should think it wuz about time you got sunthin' started."

Wall, Ury and Philury moved in the day before, and Josiah and I left in the very best of sperits and on the ten o'clock train, Maggie and Thomas Jefferson and Krit a-meetin' us to the depot. Maggie looked as pretty as a pink, if she didn't make no preperations.

Wall, Krit wouldn't have to lift up the old folks onto any worldly hite, for the Lord took 'em up into His own habitation, higher I spoze than any earthly mount. About six months before Krit come to Jonesville, they both passed away most at the same time, and wuz buried in one grave. Wall, we all on us in Jonesville thought a sight of Krit before he had been with us a week.

No, it wuzn't that, nor anything about the neighbors no; they looked some envious at our noble doin's, and walked by the house considerable, and the wimmen made errents, and borrowed more tea and sugar, durin' the preparations, than it seemed as if they could use in two years; but I pitied 'em, and forgive 'em And it wuzn't anything about the children or Krit.

"What should you do if some one strong enough, but without a shadow of justice or reason, should order you out of it at once force you to go?" "I should try to kill him," sez the man promptly, before he had time to think what to say. "Well," sez Krit, "that is what the Injuns try to do, and the world is horrified at it.