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During our journey to Kalomo, as well as on our southward route a month later, we enjoyed the light of a glorious moon, whose assistance to the traveller cannot be exaggerated when the short twilight is remembered. By the moon we frequently made our camp, by the moon we dined. Those were never-to-be-forgotten evenings, spent on that lonely veldt all bathed in silver light.

A| U| BASALTIC ROCKS. Augitic porphyry and basalt, .| with tufa over it. Place of Great Cataract. MICA SCHIST. White mica schist dipping west, and gneiss. 5000 feet. Kalomo. Water boils GRANITE. With black mica. at 202 Deg. MICA SCHIST. White mica schist and white marble. Hill tops TRAP. Hot fountain; conical hills of igneous rocks, 4000 feet. containing much mica. Bottoms 3500 feet.

I carried several of the somewhat bulbous roots of this pretty flower till I reached the Mauritius. On the 30th we crossed the River Kalomo, which is about 50 yards broad, and is the only stream that never dries up on this ridge. The current is rapid, and its course is toward the south, as it joins the Zambesi at some distance below the falls.

I was much impressed in a Kalomo house with the small details of a carefully arranged dinner-table, adorned with flowers and snowy linen; the cooking was entirely done by black boys, and of these the "Chinde" boys from the Portuguese settlements are much sought after, and cannot be excelled as cooks or servants, so thoroughly do the Portuguese understand the training of natives.

As a rule, it is the natives who take the trouble to obey their call and turn it to account. The weeks slipped by all too quickly, and it was soon time to bid farewell to Kalomo and its game-haunted flats, over which the iron horse now winds its prosaic course on its way to the dim, mysterious North, bringing noise and bustle in its train.

It took our party ten days to reach Kalomo, then the capital of North-Western Rhodesia. This included a six days' halt in quest of game on a rocky kopje eight miles off the road a veritable Spion Kop, rising from a flat country and commanding views for miles round. As regards travelling, I can only say it was very comfortable as we did it.

We encamped on the Kalomo, on the 1st of October, and found the weather very much warmer than when we crossed this stream in August. At 3 p.m. the thermometer, four feet from the ground, was 101 degrees in the shade; the wet bulb only 61 degrees: a difference of 40 degrees.

Large round masses of granite, somewhat like old castles, tower aloft about the Kalomo. The country is an elevated plateau, and our men knew and named the different plains as we passed them by. On the 13th we met a party from Sekeletu, who was now at Sesheke.

The sides of these ranges are generally very precipitous, and there are rivulets between which are not perennial. Many of the hills have been raised by granite, exactly like that of the Kalomo. Dikes of this granite may be seen thrusting up immense masses of mica schist and quartz or sandstone schist, and making the strata fold over them on each side, as clothes hung upon a line.

At the time of which I write the township of Kalomo consisted of about twenty white people, including the Administrator, his secretary and staff; the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or Accountant, who controlled the purse; a doctor, whose time was fairly well taken up; an aspiring light of the legal profession, who made and interpreted the laws; and, finally, the gallant Colonel and officers of the North-Western Rhodesia Native Police, a smart body of 380 natives, officered by eleven or twelve Englishmen.