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Sandusky, that you are in favor of acquitting " "My name is I. M. Pushkin," interrupted Juror No. 7. "I wrote it plain enough, didn't I?" "The initials confused me," explained the foreman. "Well, let's hear why you think he ought to be acquitted." "I know what it is to be hungry, that's why.

Perhaps he has rather a hopeless feeling that the art of oratory is not what it is reputed to be. The jury look particularly unresponsive. Even that one little juror, with the clever, smart face, who is leaning forward with such an expression of enjoyment may not be altogether trustworthy.

He could not tell what streets he traversed, but he kept up the exercise till he was tired. Then he became calmer, returned home, entered the house with a latch key, and went to bed without waking any of the inmates. On going to bed, he observed that his watch marked one o'clock. An intelligent juror. "You must have passed a large number of people in the streets between eleven and one o'clock.

For this purpose chests are placed near the Archon, as many in number as there are courts to be filled that day, bearing the letters of the courts on which the lot has fallen. Part 65 The juror thereupon, after showing his counter again to the attendant, passes through the barrier into the court.

They took another ballot before going out to supper at a nearby restaurant, guarded by six bailiffs, who warned them not to discuss the case while outside the jury room. The second ballot, by the way, was eight for conviction, four for acquittal. Juror No. 5 had come over to the minority. He said there was something in the theory of Juror No. 9.

Having been summoned to serve as a juror, a Prominent Citizen sent a physician's certificate stating that he was afflicted with softening of the brain. "The gentleman is excused," said the Judge, handing back the certificate to the person who had brought it, "he has a brain." The Ancient Order

By St. 3 George II., ch. 25, sec. 10, 20, no one is to be a juror in London, who shall not be "an householder within the said city, and have lands, tenements, or personal estate, to the value of one hundred pounds."

Juror No. 8, Guy E. Tripp, general manager of a small steamboat company, was uncertain. Juror No. 9, Joseph Tisdale, a retired glue manufacturer, thought Cowperwood was probably guilty as charged, but to Tisdale it was no crime. Cowperwood was entitled to do as he had done under the circumstances. Tisdale would vote for his acquittal.

Nor was this the only point in which we could point out a resemblance between the worst statesman of the monarchy and the worst statesman of the republic. Of Barère's peculiar vein of pleasantry a notion may be formed from an anecdote which one of his intimate associates, a juror of the Revolutionary Tribunal, has related.

The new court for the trial of extortion, constituted by the Calpurnian and renewed later by a Junian law, was controlled by a detachment of the governing body which saw in each impeachment a libel on its own system of administration, and in each condemnation a new precedent for hampering the uncontrolled power exercised in the past or coveted for the future by the individual juror.