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It was bad enough before Alice joined them; after that it was wellnigh unbearable. Then came the 3d-of-July dinner and the colonel's one annual jollification. No man ever heard of Sloat's being intoxicated; he rarely drank at all; but this evening the reminiscences of the day, the generous wine, the unaccustomed elegance of all his surroundings, due to Mrs.

"I did, anyhow," and she glanced at her shoes. "But it was fun!" exclaimed Amy. "Glorious!" cried Mollie. A little later the four tourists were warmly welcomed at their respective homes, later meeting for a general jollification at Mollie's house. "Oh, you dears!" cried Betty, trying to caress the twins, Paul and Dodo, both at once. "And we saw the dearest little lost girl.

"But you didn't know, perhaps, that pretty Klara likes a little jollification and a bit of fun sometimes, and that papa Goldstein is a very strict parent and mightily particular about the proprieties. It is a way those cursed Jews have, you know." "Yes!" said Andor again, "I did know that too."

At the landing Laura Atkins called a halt and invited every one present to a jollification in her room that night in honor of Elfreda.

The "Come-Outers" held a jubilee service because of the destruction of the saloon, but, as "Web" soon began to rebuild and repair, their jollification was short-lived. As for Mr. Saunders, he was the same unctuous, smiling personage that he had formerly been.

The women who disport in the cancan at the same place are simply hired by the season. It is not at the Jardin Mabille that the visitor to Paris need ever look to see genuine revelry: the place is as much a place of jollification for the people as the stage of a theatre is, and no more. Very often the dancer at night is a blousard by day.

This was a game well worth the candle, let them sneer who would. What had promised to be a fortnight of jollification had become charged with matters of grave moment.

But it's not goin' to happen again; it was just a bit of a jollification we threated ourselves to upon the strength of foindin' the oiland all right; but there'll be no more of it barrin', maybe, a bit of a spree when our work's done here, and we're ready to sail for home again.

'Well, I remembered what a good joke you all considered Uncle Laurie's marriage, and I thought I'd give you another nice little surprise, laughed Emil. 'I'm off duty, and it seemed best to take advantage of wind and tide, and come along as convoy to the old boy here. We hoped to get in last night, but couldn't fetch it, so here we are in time for the end of the jollification, anyway.

Besides his favourite subjects, such as 'The Family Jollification, 'The Feast of the Bean King, 'Game of Skittles, he has pictures in a slightly higher atmosphere, such as 'A Pastor Visiting a Young Girl, 'The Parrot, 'Schoolmaster with Unmanageable Boys, 'The Pursuit of Alchemy. Among the latter a good example is 'The Music Master' in the National Gallery.