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"They've gone in behind that point and made a landing," said Riggs, still looking through the port. "We'll be out of here in jig-time now. Where be my matches? Here! You and Rajah fish for water with these tins on a string, and wet down all these rags. Pull all the water in here you can." He lit the slush-lamp again, and I wondered what he was about.

"Nope. He wants the reg'lar old-fashioned kind, with a feather edge right down t' the neck." When one travels about under the wing of a millionaire, all things happen right. This was Johnnie's pleased conclusion as, with a snip, snip, snip, the bright scissors did their quick work over his yellow head. In what One-Eye described afterward as "jig-time," the last snip was made.

"It's a good thing you got that done in jig-time, young feller," spoke Buck, as the job and his song were finished, and they scrambled back into the car, "fer here they come." He pointed back up the starlit road. Not more than a few hundred yards off, several mounted figures came into view.

To me she stood for all I had lost of girlhood rights and I wanted her for my friend. Her laughter went through me like a draft of wine. The echo swept a long silent chord, and the tune it played was the jig-time of youth. When Zura caught her breath and explained the meaning of her words, it disclosed to me a phase of life of which I had never dreamed.

Clerks were racing back and forth with big books. Older men appeared here and there, hurriedly making their exit with cash boxes and bundles of documents. There was an exodus to jig-time going on in the Blank Building. Above it all, a certain man, his face convulsed with anger, shouted at the crowd that there was no danger no fire. Hawkins shrank as his eyes fell upon this personage. "Lord!

Rondeau, it was apparent, had no stomach for Bryce's style of combat. He wanted a rough-and-tumble fight and kept rushing, hoping to clinch; if he could but get his great hands on Bryce, he would wrestle him down, climb him, and finish the fight in jig-time.

"The show runs along fur a week, but it don't make good. "'The waving corn for this outfit! says the chicken to me, Saturday night. 'The citizens of Peoria, Illinois, will have a chance to lamp my art before long. "She's got it doped right. We hit the road in jig-time. Banks makes a speech before we leaves. "'Ladies and gentlemen, he says, 'I thank you for your good work. Mr.

We'll keep out of sight as much as we can before we leave, and we might wait until dark, but I'm for getting off in jig-time, unless we see them coming back." "I would like to see Thirkle and the others rowing out here," I said, having a mental vision of an ambuscade for them as they drew alongside in the boat.