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'You misunderstood, Clairette, said Jaqueline. 'No gentleman ever so spoke! No, no; my young lord has kept his promise to me, and I will not fail him. 'Madame, faltered Malcolm, 'I came by command of the King of Scots. 'So much the better, cried Jaqueline. 'So he can play into our hands, for all his grandeur! It will lose him his wager, though!

Jaqueline, however, interfered, and told her father that she was thankful to them for coming so opportunely to her assistance, and preventing her from uttering expressions which the baron might have deemed far more severe than anything her cousin and Albert could say. Jaqueline had welcomed a third of her white-winged birds to her tower.

"We must put them into two small cages, so that they may be carried easily on horseback, or by a man on foot, if necessary," said Albert. "Come, Berthold, if your cousin will allow us, we will go and procure such cages. I know where they are to be found, and we will be back in a few minutes." As Jaqueline did not forbid them, they set off.

Jaqueline smiled approvingly, admiring, as she did, the enthusiasm of the gallant boy, so consonant with her own feelings. "I am much obliged to you for your readiness to accept my birds, and now I must deliver a message I have brought from my father to the burgomaster.

For Jaqueline of Hainault, and her pranks, they are to be found in Monstrelet of old, and now in Barante; though justice to her and Queen Isabeau compels me to state that the incident of the ring is wholly fictitious.

"Do not fear, you are in the safe keeping of one who desires to save you from horrible suffering and death," whispered a voice in her ear. Notwithstanding these assurances, Jaqueline entreated that she might be placed on shore, and endeavoured by her cries to attract the attention of any who might be passing.

Jaqueline of Hainault had the bad taste to glance across to Humfrey and titter, but the Duke valued popularity among the citizens, and would not catch her eye; and in the line behind the royal ladies there was a sweet elderly face, beautiful, though time-worn, with blue eyes misty with proud glad tears, and a mouth trembling with tender exultation.

"I know the roads thoroughly, for as soon as the Spaniards had retired, feeling like a bird set free I scoured over the whole country, and amused myself in making a plan of them." "As Berthold knows the country so well, surely it will lessen the risk you would have to run alone if you will take him with you," observed Jaqueline.

"No! no!" answered the commandant. "Many valuable lives might be sacrificed, and the ocean will ere long fight for us far more effectually than our swords." The burgomaster, generally accompanied by Jaqueline, paid frequent visits to Hengist Tower.

The two horsemen and their attendant on foot drew near. "It is Captain Van der Elst and my cousin Berthold!" exclaimed Jaqueline, in a more joyous tone than she had spoken for many a day. "The message they bring from the Prince will, I trust, encourage our citizens."