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And here, as a preliminary remark, it is advisable that all enamels and japans should be purchased ready-made, as any attempt to make such is almost sure to end in disaster, while, owing to the fact that such are only required for small jobs; it would involve too much trouble and would not pay.

It seemed so good, whilst settin' under a palm tree, seein' jinrikishas go by, and Chinas and Japans, to set and read about the dear ones in Jonesville, and the old mair and Snip.

I see quite a number of the Japans there, pretty, small-bonded folks, with faces kinder yellowish brown, dark eyes sot considerable fur back in their heads, their noses not Romans by any means quite the reverse and their hair glossy and dark, little hands and feet. Some on 'em wuz dressed like Jonesvillians, but others had their queer-shaped clothin', and dretful ornamental.

"What do I want to foller 'em for? I am polite, and always wuz." I looked coldly at him, and sez I "Japans wouldn't call their wives a dum fool no quicker than they would take their heads off." Sez he, conscience-struck, "I didn't call you one. I said I would be one if I wuz in your place I wuz a-demeanin' myself, Samantha."

Unformulated, Bushido was and still is the animating spirit, the motor force of our country. Mr. Ransome says that "there are three distinct Japans in existence side by side to-day, the old, which has not wholly died out; the new, hardly yet born except in spirit; and the transition, passing now through its most critical throes."

I wish we could take back Stefana's tears." "You mean you ain't goin'?" "I ain't goin'," repeated Miss Theodosia, tremulously smiling. "Japan! I wouldn't go to six Japans!" "Then take it off o' our arms, quick! You take off Carruthers', Stefana. I'll undo Elly Precious's. Oh, goody! Oh, mercy gracious, I feel 's if we ought to take hold o' hands an' an' wave!"

Kind hearted, reverent to equals and superiors trained to kindness and courtesy and reverence in childhood when American mothers are ruled and badgered by short skirted and roundabout clad tyrants. I set store by the Japans and am glad to hear how fast they're pressin' forwards in every path civilization has opened; science, art and the best education. And wuz glad to see so many of 'em here.