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She forgot even to sigh for one of the original great open-air amphitheatres, with the cloudless blue sky of Greece overhead, which had been the fit setting to those old-world plays; while she appreciated, without being conscious of the appreciation, every scenic item the double stage, the attendant chorus, the classic dress, that had awakened Miss Vanhansen's ridicule, from the sandal on the foot to the toque on the head all which could lend verisimilitude to the spectacle.

With his arms tightly folded, and his eyes fixed on the floor, he attentively followed every item of the testimony. He heard the witnesses examined by the court, and cross-examined by his own counsel; and it is evident from the narrative of the presiding judge, that he showed no small skill and policy in the searching cross-examination which he then applied.

I could tell you, now, every item of its varied contents, the perfumed sachet, the ugly little pincushion which she had had since dollhood, the little scraps from her favourite poets, which she had copied out and kept in this sacred repository, never revealing them save to sympathising eyes.

The second message was this: "Dear Mama: Billy's intoxicated. Awfully sorry. Couldn't be helped. Home soon." That one went in spite of Fairfax's efforts, with two cents extra to pay, which item was the first event of the evening to ruffle Strong's temper.

On this occasion, however, the pleasure of a wholly new grievance left no space in his fickle mind for the old-worn item of irritation, and he never even noticed that the coffee was done. "Dear George" sat beside Mrs. Frayling.

This task resolved itself in practice into mastering in considerable detail about half a dozen articles a political situation, a murder, a railroad wreck, a fire, a strike, an important address by a college president, for example and getting a clear impression of the treatment of each item in each paper.

Item, three pieces of twine. Item, six single keys. Item " "Yes, I know," quoth the merry Robin; "I stood outside the landlord's window and heard you count over your losses. Here they are again; and the silver pennies are turned by magic into gold. Here also, if you will, is my hand." "I take it heartily, with the pence!" cried Middle.

Captain Flett told me to get the slate and pencil from below, and as the crofter gave his orders for the articles required I wrote these down under the initial item, "Needles, 1d." When all the necessaries were brought together, they formed a goodly pile of merchandise in the boat.

If the Police Department is so ready to incarcerate a poor musician, why should it hesitate upon the threshold of the rich man's mansion? or the rich woman's, for the matter of that?" This item incensed Pendleton beyond measure; he threw the paper aside and stormed up and down the room. "Of all the blatant wretched twaddle I ever did read," he exclaimed, "this is positively the worst.

Of the life that goes on within this house, which is nominally his, he knows nothing. In its daily ordering, or even in its external features, he has no part. He has chosen no item of its furniture; he has had no hand in its decoration; he has but paid the tradesmen's bills.