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His injuries about the head are so severe the doctors are in dread of erysipelas. 'What if he had? Have not every one of us had the erysipelas some time or other; and, barring the itching, what's the great harm? 'The doctors declare that if it come, they will not answer for his life. 'They know best, and I'm afraid they know why also.

And yet not one mother or nurse in ten knows how to make a poultice. When applied over a wound they should not be covered with oiled silk or any impermeable material, since the edges of the wound and the adjacent skin are apt thereby to be rendered irritable and to become covered with little itching pimples.

Weeks and months, in some cases, pass on, and there is nothing to indicate danger, until a degree of itching in the cicatrix of the wound is felt.

Bagnet, with her wholesome brown fingers itching to prevent what she sees going wrong, sits in her gown of ceremony, an honoured guest. Quebec and Malta lay the cloth for dinner, while Woolwich, serving, as beseems him, under his father, keeps the fowls revolving. To these young scullions Mrs. Bagnet occasionally imparts a wink, or a shake of the head, or a crooked face, as they made mistakes.

The lieutenant's courtesy was put to a severe test in making him preserve his gravity; albeit, he had an itching inclination to burst out into his jovial laugh at the reverend gentleman's ridiculous contortions and praiseworthy attempts to sustain a sort of disjointed conversation between the pauses of his grotesque sprawls and restoration to a more dignified attitude.

I coated the towel with a substance which would cause discomfort and alarm itching salve not with the idea that anyone would be foolish enough to go about scratching before my eyes, but with the idea of making that person believe that such was my purpose and with the idea of driving him or her to washing his hands at once and, more, with the idea of forcing him or scaring him into cleaning his fingernails.

The Major laughed as he heard the mills of the gods grinding out a golden grist of the future. But lifted up beyond the impulses of his itching palm the sight of the delicate, girlish face of the Rosebud of Delhi had caused him to dream the strangest dreams.

Wait until they're nearer!" They had not long to wait. From all sides a horde of shouting, firing men were rushing on the little square. "Steady, men!" was still his only command. Then, when it seemed almost a physical impossibility to restrain their itching fingers from pulling the triggers, the longed for word was given. "Here they are! Now, then, boys, fire!" Volley after volley rang out.

Ravenous or uncertain appetite, indigestion, flatulence, undue size of the abdomen, a dark circle round the eyes, itching of the nose and of the entrance of the bowel, a coated tongue, and offensive breath are no real proof of the presence of worms, and do not justify the frequent repetition of violent purgatives or of so-called worm medicines.

The passion broke now from between George's clenched teeth, flamed in his eyes. He tightened his grip upon the other's shoulder so that he pinched the flesh. "A lot to do with me," he cried. "Is it Chater?" "What if it is? Let me go, damn you!" "Let you go! I've been itching for you for weeks! What have you been saying to Miss Humfray?" "Damn you! Take off your hand!