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With a certain amount of nobility of character, Clarence assigned himself the part of Lord Chancellor, remarking that he could make a fool of himself rather better than most men he knew. Incidentally he played opposite to Joy, who refused flatly to take the leading part of Phyllis, and was therefore cast for Iolanthe.

Heinrich the forester loves Röschen, the woodman's daughter, but on the eve of their marriage he has the misfortune to attract the notice of Iolanthe, the mistress of his liege lord the Landgrave Rudolf. He rejects her advances, and in revenge she has him stabbed by her followers.

I know you're going to make a howling success of the opera.... My dear, don't look so worried about it all!" They were in a little dim passage where no one was likely to come, and he drew her close to him, and kept his arm around her. "Do I look worried?" she answered simply. "I wasn't thinking about 'Iolanthe' so much.

"Responsibilities?" repeated father. Here mother, who had been sitting quietly by, also with a disapproving expression, entered the discussion: "I knew all that Iolanthe and class flummery would get her into trouble." Flummery! Missy's voice quavered. "That's a very important part of school life, mother! Class spirit and all you don't understand!"

Indeed, the teachers planned to take notes and borrow costumes, and give the thing themselves as a commencement entertainment the next June, if it proved possible. The boys were rather harder to get, but here, too, they succeeded, finally. And "Iolanthe" went prosperously on.

"Iolanthe de Vavasour," I replied good-humouredly. "More appropriate than Molly isn't it?" The boundary man, after picking up his pipe, which had fallen on the slumbering cat, fixed his Zitska eye on my face with a puzzled, shrinking, defiant look, whilst drawing his seat a little further away.

What is quite certain is that, whoever killed it, 'Patience' embalmed it in odours and spices of the most fragrant and costly description, so that it has remained a thing of beauty even to our own day. In 'Iolanthe' Mr. Gilbert reached the dizziest height of topsy-turvydom to which he ever climbed, and set Sullivan to solve what was perhaps the most difficult problem of his whole career.

We know how Sullivan will take a motive of mere farce, such words as the "O Captain Shaw!" of "Iolanthe," and will write a lovely melody to go with it, fitting his music to the feeling which the words do but caricature. That is how Miss Irene Vanbrugh handled Mr. Jones's unshapen material.

"Did you know him before?" murmured the boundary man. "Certainly." "Is he a married man?" "Widower." "Widower?" repeated Alf, almost in a whisper. "Did you know his wife"" "Personally, no; inductively, yes. She was one of those indefinably dangerous women who sing men to destruction one of those tawny-haired tigresses, with slumbrous dark eyes name, Iolanthe." "What?"

Fortunately, the wind held, and the ship did not change her course; so, about mid-day, we came up with her. She was a London vessel, the Iolanthe, bound to Valparaiso; so her captain, seeing that we were shipwrecked mariners in distress, took us on board at once, and treated us like brothers, without waiting even to hear our story about the loss of the Esmeralda.