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"Of course you would," his father agreed. "It might be though that you wouldn't even get out of High Ridge." "You think they'd keep us right here?" demanded Harold, his face falling. "Possibly," said Mr. Cook. "It might be that you'd have your hands full too." "Do you think the Germans could land an army and invade this country?" exclaimed Mrs. Cook in alarm.

It is almost needless to say that James took advantage of this temporary unity and enthusiasm in order to invade England a thing without which no Scots King could be said to be happy.

By far the larger part of it was to have made the first descent on our territory; the remainder was to be a reserve to follow as quickly as possible. It has been doubted if Napoleon really meant to invade this country, the suggestion being that his collection of an army on the shores of the Straits of Dover and the English Channel was merely a 'blind' to cover another intended movement.

"If you will admit free teaching in the Universities," explained the Prime Minister, "we shall not seek to touch your theological seminaries, or to invade your orders by an infusion of fresh blood." "Invade our orders?" cried the Primate. "That you cannot do; no Bishop's hands would bestow them!" and he drew back his own with a declamatory gesture.

She asked me to make a little design for a fountain, you know, and I'll have to get some measurements." As they emerged from the shop and climbed the slope Janet tried to fight off the sadness that began to invade her. Soon she would have to be leaving all this!

Grant's scheme was, that while the armies of the North were, under his own command, to march against Richmond, the army of the West was to invade Georgia and march upon Atlanta.

How long the fallen monarch had to bear this humiliating punishment is not known. Tamerlane's dominions now embraced a large part of Asia. He retired to his palace at Samarcand and for several weeks indulged in festivities. He could not, however, long be content away from the field of battle. So he made up his mind to invade the Empire of China.

There was the urge to invade the towers, to discover their secret, and flaring higher and higher the beginnings of a new fear. Was he now a battlefield for the superstitions of his race reborn by the Redax and his modern education in the Pinda-lick-o-yi world half Apache brave of the past, half modern archaeologist with a thirst for knowledge?

Our clients could scarcely expect us to invade heaven in our search for the vanished." "There are other regions," said Harren. "Exactly. Sit down, sir. There is a row of bookcases for your amusement. Please help yourself while I clear decks for action." Harren stood fingering the card, his gray eyes lost in retrospection; then he sauntered over to the bookcases, scanning the titles.

Now, emboldened by hunger, he had thrown caution to the winds and was about to invade the haunts of man, and that in broad daylight. Suddenly the wolf paused, his uplifted muzzle searching the breeze. Then, his eyes glowing with a fierce fire, he glided forward, a sinister shadow. Between the trees a short distance away he had glimpsed a small black and white animal trotting down the trail.