United States or Hungary ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I have a good memory, Mr. Kestrel." "That was all done away with," insisted Norman, his arm outstretched toward Mr. Kestrel. "You remember that an offer was made you of your input and interest, and you declined?" "I am speaking to him," said Mr. Kestrel, not turning his eyes from Keith. "I renew that offer now," said Keith, coldly. "Then that's all right." Mr. Kestrel sat back in his chair.

The island of Crete in southern Greece was first heard on the air in 1938 when George Zarifis came on 40 metre CW using the callsign SV6SP. His transmitter consisted of a single metal 6L6 crystal oscillator with an input of about 7 watts. For reception he used an American CASE broadcast receiver in which he had fitted a BFO. In a very short period he had about 500 QSOs.

The farther the civilization has expanded, the greater the necessary input of manpower, wealth, enterprise and administrative talent needed to keep the enterprise strong, solvent, masterful. Eventually the expanding civilization reaches a point at which the costs of further expansion are greater than the income derived from further extension of its authority.

An ilka friend wad bear a share o' the burden, something might be dune ilka ane to be liable for their ain input I wadna like to see the case fa' through without being pled it wadna be creditable, for a' that daft whig body says." And he was silent, staring in astonishment at finding himself capable of such unwonted resolution and excessive generosity.

Even happiness like this will not last, he thought solemnly with a sense of sympathy for these distinct individuals beginning to prevail over a bit of jealousy at the innocence of youth which had glimpsed him with his cynical countenance and he them before receding behind him, the memory relegated to the region of the brain where all inconsequential sensory input was assigned.

"Formal voiceprint confirmation for Empire Net ident and security input. This is Ranger James Kieran Medart, ident code RJT-6743-5197." There was a brief pause, then the ship-comp said, "Voiceprint confirmed. Awaiting input." "Change ident code ISCCJ-1643-2048 to RCJ-1643-2048.

With the help of her fairy band, as well as the input of her sister fairy, Polychrome, Lurliné was able to give the Land of Oz the magical enchantment that made it what it is today. But she did not do the deed without a few pitfalls.

"I only teach physics in high school, but I know better than that. Moving around in warm air doesn't make anything cold except by evaporation." "Well, there's your input and output, John," he said. "The ball lost heat and took on motion. Simple conversion." My jaw must have dropped to my waist. "Do you mean that that little thing is converting heat to kinetic energy?" "Apparently."

This shows Mr. The Alternating Current Power Transformer. Like the smaller one, however, it is made to work with a 50 to 60 cycle current at 102.5 to 115 volts and, hence, can be used with any A. C. lighting current. It has an input of 750 volts and the high voltage secondary coil which energizes the plate has an output of 450 watts and develops 1,500 to 3,000 volts.

Without thinking so, he felt that large amalgamations of his character, the daily sensory input of a constant, non-threatening environment, and his fond attachments to others gained from shared pleasant experiences together, which together he called himself fell from him annually.