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Newrich, stopping at the landing, and glancing out through the aperture. "I shall never think of it, without shivering. You were as good as gone: a hair's breadth more would have done it. God bless my soul! If my place had had such a christening as that!" The whiteness came over Ray Ingraham's face again She was just rising to her feet, with her hand upon the rail. "Sit still," said Frank.

So Sylvie was driving about in it this afternoon. She had been over to West Dorbury to see the Highfords, and was coming round by Ingraham's Corner, to stop there and buy one of his fresh big loaves of real brown bread for her father's tea.

Ingraham's name appeared in the notices, but Ray really did the work, all except the signing of the necessary documents. Everything was very different here, the moment Joseph Ingraham's breath was gone from his body. Everything that had stood in his name stood now in the name of an "estate." Large or small, an estate has always to be settled.

There was something that went straight to Frank Sunderline's deepest, unspoken apprehension of most beautiful things, in Ray Ingraham's aspect as she said these words. The man in him suddenly perceived, though vaguely, something of what God meant when He made the woman. Power shone through the beauty in her face; but power ready to lay itself aside; ready to help, not lead.

Rosamond would not have a nursery maid; she "would not give up her baby to anybody;" neither would she let a "kitchen girl" into her paradisiacal realm of shining tins, and top-over cups, and white, hemmed dishcloths. "Let's have a companion!" said Dorris. "Let's afford her together." When their "Christian Register" came, that very week, there was Dot Ingraham's advertisement. Mr.

This was Ray Ingraham's leisure also; the bread carts did not come in till tea time, with their returns and orders; the day's second baking was in the oven; she had an hour or two of quiet between the noon business and the night; then she was always glad to see Sylvie Argenter come down the street with her little purple straw work-basket swinging from her forefinger, or a book in her hand.

The rest of Gooding's brigade followed, next came Fearing's, then Ingraham's under Ferris. In rear of the column was posted the artillery under Nims. At a point on the crest of the ridge, ninety yards distant from the left face of the priest-cap, Paine's advance was checked.

I know they brought me here from North Carolina in slavery times. I couldn't keep no count of it, lady, 'cause I didn't know. I know I was big enough to walk behind the wagon pickin' up corn. I know that. That was in slavery times. "Mr. June Ingraham's father brought me here. "Oh, that's a long time ago. Mr. June and I was boys together. I was born in the Ingraham family.

If I can in any way promote your views in this or in any other instance, I entreat that you will command me, without apology. I have now the satisfaction to enclose you Mr. Madison's answer, which I this day received. You speak of a letter written to me some time ago-on the subject of Captain Ingraham's voyage.

If I can in any way promote your views in this or in any other instance, I entreat that you will command me, without apology. I have now the satisfaction to enclose you Mr. Madison's answer, which I this day received. You speak of a letter written to me some time ago-on the subject of Captain Ingraham's voyage.