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"You do not know any order but that of the police. Genius is not to be dragged along the beaten track. It creates order, and makes its will a law." After this arrogant declaration he took the unlucky critic, considered all the idiocies he had written for some time past, and administered correction. All the critics felt the affront. Up to that time they had stood aside from the conflict.

"Of all the damned idiocies," said Gorman, "that artistic soul is the damnedest." I said nothing more for several minutes. I knew it would take Gorman some time to recover from the mention of the artistic soul. When I thought he had regained his self-possession I went on speaking. "My idea," I said, "is to hire a small hall, and to invite a number of well-off people to see Tim's show.

Why should Mother sit there and let them talk to me like that! One would think childhood had no limit unless it's matrimony!" This reminded her of her younger sister's airs of superior wisdom, and did not conduce to a pleasanter frame of mind. "With all their miserable little conventions and idiocies! And what 'they'll say, and 'they'll think'! As if I cared! Minnie'll be just such another!"

He had been keeping gay company, of course, and had but just emerged from some nocturnal orgie or other. And then she shrugged her strong shoulders with a light, pitiful air, as though marvelling once more for the thousandth time over the stupidity of men who would commit these idiocies, would waste their money and health in them, say what women would.

The automobile, with its gray-silk cushions, its immense plate-glass windows, its travelling boudoir of mirrors, gold scent bottles, and other idiocies, its bouncing bouquet of fresh violets, its electric fittings, its air pillow embroidered with silver monograms and crests, its brocade-lined chinchilla rugs, tricky little extra seats, and marvellous springs, struck Peter as disgustingly ostentatious.

Haven't met you yet, but my name is Roosevelt, and I'm the new janitor," with a hundred other chuckling idiocies, till Miss Moynihan was happy again. Una warmed to his friendliness, like that of a tail-wagging little yellow pup. And always she craved the touch of his dark, blunt, nervous hands.

You told me in Dubuque as you were quite right to tell me that I mustn't come back to you. And now I've disobeyed you and come. What I hope you will have guessed is that I wouldn't have come except that I'd something to tell you something different from the idiocies I tormented you with in Dubuque; something I felt you were entitled to be told.

I knew very well that I was committing a folly; love is responsible for many such idiocies. But since this woman deceived me I loathed the cruel medallion. I can not tell with what sadness I removed that iron circlet, and what a sigh escaped me when it was gone. "Ah! poor wounds!" I said, "you will soon heal, but what balm is there for that other deeper wound?"

"Oh, I'm a Hottentot, a savage from the West, as I told you," she said complacently. "You've been in Lydford long enough to hear Morrison hold forth on the idiocies of social convention, the while he neatly manipulates them to his own advantage."

Again and again Mary has heard me rail against the idiocies of ordinary weddings; this private marriage will be quite in character. I shall state that Lilian has hitherto been a governess at Stockholm that I made her acquaintance there that I sent for her to meet me in Paris. Now, tell me, have you any objection to offer?"