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"Regular!" yelled Tom. "You give me a quarter on hyper and we'll go right through that planet!" "One-quarter regular space speed," replied Astro. Tom adjusted his controls for the speed reduction, while keeping his eyes on the teleceiver screen. He watched the planet grow larger before his eyes, and the terrain become more distinct.

Ashes and pumice heated to incandescence were blown through the air. Molten drops of radioactive lava skittered across the durilium hull as Kennon advanced the power. The whole stem of the ship was immersed in a seething lake of bolling rock as the Egg lifted slowly with ponderous dignity into the night sky. "Hang on!" Kennon said. "I'm going to hyper."

The old ships didn't have temporal compensators, nor could they travel through upper bands of Cth where subjective and objective time were more nearly equal. They were trapped in a semi-stasis of time as the ship fled on through the distorted monochromatic regions that bypassed normal space. The Egg slipped smoothly out of the hyper jump, back into the normal universe.

I moved back into clear air and called for reports from all sections. The worst of the damage was in the auxiliary power control room, where communication and power lines were slashed and the panel cut up. The danger of serious damage to essential equipment had been very close, but we had been lucky. This was the first instance I had heard of encountering an object at hyper light speed.

They lifted from Sargol on schedule and went into Hyper also on schedule. From that point on there was nothing to do but wait out the usual dull time of flight between systems and hope that Steen Wilcox had plotted a course which would cut that flight time to a minimum. But this voyage there was little relaxation once they were in Hyper.

There growe also Cedar trees, among the which are found the best and blackest kinde of Sables: and onely these mountaines are seene in all the dominions of the prince of Moscouia which perhaps are the same that the old writers call Rhipheos or Hyperboreos, so named of the Greeke word, Hyper, that is, Aboue, and Boreas, that is, the North; for by reason they are couered with continuall snow and frost, they can not without great difficultie be trauayled, and reach so farre into the North, that they make the vnknown land of Engronland.

On a planet there were spaciousness and freedom and after the claustrophobic confinement of a hyper ship any world was paradise. Kennon sighed, finished his letters, and placed them in the mail chute. Perhaps, this time, there would be a favorable reply. Kennon was startled by the speed with which his letters were answered.

"But how no Eysie came on board no Salarik either, except for the cub who showed us what they thought of catnip." Rip shrugged. "How would I know how they did " he was beginning when Dane cut in: "If they didn't know about our immunity the Queen might stay in Hyper and never come out there wouldn't be anyone to set the snap-out." "Right enough.

'Rupture of the heart! rupture of the external membrane! Hypertrophy! 'To be sure, Eleonora Karpovna repeated after him, 'hyper... Well, so it is.

"The only change observed in these tissues is a reflex edema, excited apparently by pressure on the ciliary nerves and, probably, irritation of the vaso-motor fibers of the sympathetic." Lachrymal Gland. Hyper secretion due to reflex irritation. Cornea.