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The captains in particular had to be bankers, secretaries, advisers, and judges for their men. As Lieutenant Grote Hutcheson has stated it, "The men knew nothing, and the non-commissioned officers but little more. From the very circumstances of their preceding life it could not be otherwise.

The truth of the moral law, 'Thou shalt do to others as you wish that they should do to you, is as evident as the truth of the law in geometry, 'things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Stewart so far approves that he wishes to give to the moral law what is now called all possible 'objectivity, while the 'moral sense' of Hutcheson apparently introduced a 'subjective' element.

And they have the audacity to call their craft the Lola the Lola, of all names!" "But as you know who and what the fellows are, you ought, I think, in common justice to Hutcheson, to tell us something," I complained. "If they are adventurers, they ought to be traced." "What can I do a prisoner here on board?" he argued bitterly. "How can I act?" "Leave it all to me.

Hutcheson has thus a higher and lower grade of Benevolence; the higher would correspond to the disinterestedness that arises from the operation of fixed ideas, the lower to those affections that are generated in us by pleasing objects. He has no discussion on the freedom of the will, contenting himself with mere voluntariness as an element in moral approbation or censure.

"Pity you didn't pocket the fragments. We could perhaps have discovered from the photographer the identity of the original." "Ah!" I sighed regretfully. "I never thought of that. I recollect the name of the firm, however." "I shall have to report to London the whole occurrence, as British subjects are under suspicion," Hutcheson said.

Elias P. Hutcheson when he saw her was amused, and his eyes positively sparkled with fun as he said: 'Darned if the squaw hain't got on all her war paint! Jest give her a shove off if she comes any of her tricks on me, for I'm so fixed everlastingly by the boss, that durn my skin if I can keep my eyes from her if she wants them! Easy there, Judge! don't you slack that ar rope or I'm euchered!

Francis Hutcheson, professor of philosophy at the university of Glasgow, in his System of Moral Philosophy, page 211, says "He who detains another by force in slavery, is always bound to prove his title. The slave sold, or carried into a distant country, must not be obliged to prove a negative, that he never forfeited his liberty.

But otherwise British soil was ready to receive the idea. There was the same optimistic temper among the comfortable classes in both countries. Shaftesbury, the Deist, had struck this note at the beginning of the century by his sanguine theory, which was expressed in Pope's banal phrase: "Whatever is, is right," and was worked into a system by Hutcheson.

Exiled as I was in a foreign land, I seldom spoke English save with Hutcheson, the Consul, and even then we generally spoke Italian if there were others present, in order that our companions should understand. Therefore her gossip interested me, and as the golden sunset flooded the handsome old room I sat listening to her, inwardly admiring her innate grace and handsome countenance.

Buckle's volume, containing an analytical estimate, not only of Hutcheson, Hume, and Adam Smith, but of Black, Leslie, Hutton, Cullen, and John Hunter, is full of original thought and valuable information, however questionable may be some of its statements. Whatever may be thought of the general ideas which Mr.