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"You ought to be ashamed of yourself a growd woman like you makin' me all this nuisance. I sha'n't put up with it. You'll go packin' to the horspittle, that's what you'll do. Mark my word." Mrs. Moody's method of packing Ruth off to the hospital was unique. It consisted of running herself for the doctor.

One, I am convinced, had deliberately shot off his trigger finger; but it couldn't be proven, and he'll get his discharge. Another, a big, hulking brute, all jaw and no forehead, came up and looked insolently at Kemp. "Kemp said: 'Well, what's the matter with you? "'Aw, said the soldier, with a leer, 'I've got de lapsy-palls, and I wanter go to de horspittle, I do.

"Nice thing for a private soldier! A white elephant, Pete." "Why, he's a blacky-grey 'un, sir. Wish I could be his mahout." "Stuff! Where's Mr Durham gone?" "Don't know, sir. Private instructions. Through the jungle somewhere, I expect, so as to take Mr Suleiman in the rear. But I say, sir, you don't mean to be kept in horspittle, do you?" "No, Pete; I'm to be up to-morrow." "Hooray, sir!

Dey tuck him ter de Marine Horspittle in de amberlance, 'cause his leg wuz broke, an' I reckon somethin' must 'a' accident'ly hit 'im in de jaw, fer he wuz scatt'rin' teeth all de way 'long de street. I didn' wan' ter kill de man, fer he might have somebody dependin' on 'im, an' I knows how dat'd be ter dem.

Bobs, he got both legs cut aff, bein' runned over by a big truck, and he doied in the horspittle. Bobs he were better dead. He'd uv gone loike the rist. Sam, he's round these parts mostly nights. Ye'll hev to come at noight ef yez want to see him. Mebbe he knows more 'bout Buck'n he'll tell."