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Wild geese, cleaving the air in wedge shaped line, honked harshly that the season for gathering stores of food was passing, while at times, on a dull morning, it was as if the waters of the bay were covered completely with ducks of many kinds.

He bounded into the middle of the flock and knocked them every-which-way with his great paws. He thrust his muzzle under the hissing gander and sent him over on his back, where he lay and flapped his webbed feet ridiculously. And he did not hiss any more. He "honked" for help.

And then the auto honked louder than before, and all of a sudden it came whizzing down the road, right toward the rabbit.

A number of children were playing outside. Then he saw Roosevelt again. Standing in the middle of some children. The smallest children. The kindergarten class, Justin supposed. Then Roosevelt was gone. The ball had been retrieved, and a car behind him honked, but Justin couldn't drive on. Instead, he parked his truck by the curb and walked to kindergarten the doors. Inside, Mrs.

"Don't let us disturb you," which means bother or something like that, said Uncle Lucky, and he honked the horn with all his might, and, would you believe it, the bull was so frightened that he ran away and never stopped till he got home and covered himself with the crazy quilt on his old four-poster bed. Once upon a time, So I've heard tell, There lived a little rabbit In a shady dell.

I can hear it fluttering so gently near the window. . . . And that noise from the streets is really the fairy chorus. . . ." A motor car honked discordantly and Vane grinned. "That's a stout-hearted little fellow with a good pair of lungs on him." She smiled back at him, and then she pushed him gently backwards and forwards with her hands. "Of course he's got good lungs," she said.

Now came sullen groans, hisses, and catcalls, or all together with cheers as the returns swung in another direction. Not even baseball could call out such a crowd as this. Lights blazed everywhere. Automobiles honked and ground their gears. The lobster palaces were thronged. Police were everywhere.

"Waal, some, a brace or two o' brants; jest hand me them pincers, Mort. Why? Want to buy?" "No; I want to shoot." "Hey? You! He, he!" "I killed one this morning, Uncle Adam." "Whar'd ye get yer gun?" "Didn't have none." "Hey? Little boys shouldn't tell squibs." "I'm not squibbing; I 'honked' to it from behind some rocks, and then knocked it over with a stone." "Ye did?

Even in his tiny babyhood he was companionable to his mother, Rachael even consenting to the plan of taking him to Home Dunes in June, although by this arrangement she saw Warren only at week-end intervals until the doctor's vacation came in August. When he came down, and the big car honked at the gate, she invariably had the baby in her arms when she came to meet him. "Hello, Daddy. Here we are!

Around them out in the grimy street the world hurried and scuffled and honked; and in the little back shop the father and the boy faced each other, a strange, new, proud joy around them. "I drive that machine," said Achilles softly. Achilles came to the door of the shop and looked out.