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A car honked in the lane. They were here. She jumped up and ran to the gate, wheeling the waiting chair outside it. Farraday's big car rounded the bend three men sat in the tonneau. Seeing them, Mary ran suddenly back inside the gate; her eyes fell, she dared not look. The car had stopped. Through half-raised lids she saw James alight. The chauffeur ran to the chair.

Their hoarse-voiced leader honked his loud calls as he led the line, which, straight and true as a file of drilled soldiers, sweeping in perfect formation a half mile on either side, was so different from anything that little Sheldon had ever seen that the little robin screamed, "Help! Help! Help! There comes a row of fat hawks!"

Twice he felt the rope suddenly jerk when she lost her footing, but it came in evenly still, and he used a nose of rock as a sort of winch. The climber was nearly two-thirds of the way up when a cannon-shot boomed out over the water, frightening again the vast covey of birds which shrieked and honked till the air was a maelstrom of cries. Then came another cannon-shot.

At the same moment the other car honked excitedly and Mendoza answered. "There are some men on horseback there, aren't there?" said Polly, straining her eyes. "On the other side of the arroyo yes. Hullo, guns! Say, Ed's in trouble! Shake a leg, Mendoza we got to look into this. Girlie, you can lie down if they shoot, do you hear?" "Yes," breathed Polly, excitedly. They could see plainly now.

I added that I would go along, if she liked; which she did. Not even the Little Woman should ever attempt to drive across the Mojave alone. We started out as soon as we had finished the meal. A Cadillac roadster came up behind us and honked for clear passing as we swung into the long, straight stretch that leads up the Cajon.

Sophy, do you see it, too?" He motioned her to take the tray; and his ear-rings swung, and all his bracelets set up a silver tinkling. An automobile honked outside in the street shut off by our garden trees, and a dog barked. Our jinnee cocked a cautious head and a listening ear, thrust the tray upon Alicia, and with inconceivable swiftness vanished around a corner.

I'll get you a handful of cartridges and you can reload the clip in the taxicab. Not that you're likely to need it at Dutch House." From the street rose the rumble of a motor, punctuated by a horn that honked. "There's the cab, now," announced Mrs. Inche briskly. "Shake yourself out of that coat and into this and hustle!"

High up in the unseen trails of the air a flight of wild geese honked its weary way southward, and the halfbreed read the warning of approaching winter. Some creature splashed into the water straight before them with a noise that awakened the forest echoes and deepened the enveloping silence afterwards. Juno lifted her head and sniffed, and nosed into her mistress.

The tide carried the splintered ice to the open sea, wild geese honked overhead in their northern flight, seals played in the open water, and the loon's weird laugh broke the wilderness silence. The world was awakening from its long slumber, and summer was at hand.

The little canal quay a wooden one was a tangle of rotting boards and loose piles, and the stagnant green water of the shallow canal was abandoned to a few grey geese, which honked angrily at the passing car. There was no sign of life in the village street, and no sound except the autumn wind moaning across the marshes and the boom of the distant sea against the breakwater.