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"He runs the Blue Chip on the square, but there are times when an extra ace appears in the show-down, and then it isn't a question of who produced it, but which one is quickest on the draw. Five aces never grew in a straight deck, and I sometimes think I can see the fifth ace in an hombre's eye. I saw it in Señor Wiley's." "I'm going to look in at the Blue Chip, if I may."

All the cases I ever heard of they let go at sunup." "It is right painful at the time," said Johnny, taking up the thread of the narrative; "and then in nine days you go mad yourself. Remember that fellow the Hydrophoby Skunk bit down here by the rapids, Bill? Let's see now what was that hombre's name?" "Williams," supplied Bill "Heck Williams.

However, the possibilities of Wilkins' "place" did not seem too promising to Drew when they came out on a steep bluff some miles down the Tennessee. "This is a heller of a river," Kirby expressed his opinion forcibly. "Always spittin' back in an hombre's face. We've had plenty of trouble with it before." They were on a bank above a slough which was not more than two hundred feet wide.

These holes aren't a circumstance to what this hombre's had in him before this. Reckon he's had a habit of mixing with cougars or something like that! Here's a knife wound old." "A bayonet did that," said Solange. "Soldier, eh! Well, he's used to bullet holes and it's a good thing. Hand me something to bandage him with, some one.

The mule pressed his helpless forelegs against the wall and except that he panted with fright and that his ears moved back and forth as he listened for his hombre's voice, he was motionless. His liquid eyes were fastened on the group above with an appeal that touched every man there. "What can you do for the poor brute!" cried Uncle Denny. "Wait till the hombre gets back," said Henderson.

Drew pulled rein for the tenth time, his exasperation growing. "I might do just that." Shawnee had been worth fifty of this temperamental blooded hunter. "You take Tejano heah. He's a rough-coated ol' snorter nothin' to make an hombre's eyes bug out but he takes you way over yonder, an' then he brings you back ... nothin' more you can ask." Drew agreed.

"I do," was the surly rejoinder. "Got any kick comin'?" "Nary kick." The cowpuncher tossed his dollar onto the bar. "Give me a little red licker," he ordered, and grinned at the sullen proprietor as he filled his glass to the brim. "An outfit," he confided, with slow insolence, "that'll run an eagle-bird wheel ain't got no more conscience than a hombre's got brains that'll buck one.