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I was afraid you wouldn't let Charlie off just for her sake, but I thought maybe if you just thought I wanted you to do it for mine, why, maybe with two women to be sorry for, you'd kind of " "Hm-mm!" Seabeck sent her a keen, blue, twinkling glance that made Billy Louise turn hot all over with shame and penitence.

"I mean bigness, too; a bigness that will make a man be more than square; a bigness that will let him see all around a thing and judge it from a bigger viewpoint than mere justice " "Hm-mm if you could trust me enough to " "I'm going to, Mr. Seabeck. I'm going to take it for granted you're bigger than your own squareness.

"Hm-mm, I wonder where " Sudden began, but Mary V did not stay to hear the rest of the sentence. She went back and crept into her bed, sick at heart with an unnamed fear and a hurt that went deep into her soul. She gave a little, dry sob or two and lay very still, her face crushed into a pillow. But Mary V was not born to take life's hurts passively.

"Hm-mm!" he said again if one can call that a saying and pulled at his graying whiskers. "Hm-mmm!" Billy Louise led the way down the gorge, through the meadow, and along the orchard to the little gate. The Cove seemed empty and rather forlorn, with the wind creeping up the river and rattling the dry branches of the naked fruit trees.

After that she faced Seabeck with harsh composure and waited for the settlement. "Hm-mm! I have been looking over the cattle," he began, sitting on the edge of a chair and turning his black hat absently round and round by the brim. "You mm-mm you tell me there were seven head of grown stock " "That they shot and throwed in the river, with the brands cut out," interpolated Marthy stolidly.

"The twentieth day of March," Luck replied, with the air of one who has the date branded deep on his consciousness. "Twentieth uh March hm-mm? We-ell, now, I have knowed it to storm, and storm hard, after this time uh year.

And if you do anything mean about it, it will simply kill poor old Marthy. You couldn't send her to the pen, Mr. Seabeck. Think how she's worked there in the Cove; and Charlie has worked like a perfect slave; and he was trying to get a start so he could get married " "Hm-mm!"

"Hm-mm do you know, Miss MacDonald, whether there was any intimacy between your friends and the man we had for stock inspector, Mr. Olney?" "I can't say, as to that." Billy Louise, you see, did not know much about details, but the little she did know made her hedge. "There's a queer story about Olney. You know he has left the country, don't you?

Billy Louise dared to wrinkle her nose at him and I don't know which of her did it. "I knew you'd play up like a good sport. But what if it isn't a body? What if what if you found some of your cattle with with a big D run over your brand?" She had a perfectly white line around her mouth and nostrils then, but she faced him squarely. "Hm-mm!"

Have m-m your friends ever mentioned the matter to you?" "No," said Billy Louise, and her eyes were wide. "Hm-mm! We must discover, if we can, Miss MacDonald, whether they are in any way implicated with this man Olney. I believe that this is at present more important than the recovery of any m-m cattle of mine which they may have appropriated." Billy Louise looked at him for a minute. "Mr.