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I doubt if, legally, you could handcuff a man for a thing like that. What have you done with good Mr. Galer?" "I've locked him in the coal-cellar," said the detective, dismally. The thought of the interview in prospect with the human bloodhound he had so mishandled was not exhilarating. "Locked him in the cellar, did you?" said Jimmy. "Well, well, I daresay he's very happy there.

This shall not be a case that goes by default because no one appears against it. God will arraign it, handcuff it, try it, bring against it the verdict of all the good, and then gibbet it so high up that if one half of the gibbet stood on Mount Washington and the other on the Himalaya, it would not be any more conspicuous.

The Jersey man's face had wrinkled as a preliminary to some sarcastic comment on what he termed the "handcuff" way of reasoning, when the telephone bell rang. Winter answered, and at once his self-possessed air fled. Indeed, it was a very angry man who listened, because a subordinate was telephoning from Fortescue Square a full account of the shooting outrage.

"Now!" said Haley, pushing his three purchases together, and producing a bundle of handcuffs, which he proceeded to put on their wrists; and fastening each handcuff to a long chain, he drove them before him to the jail. A few days saw Haley, with his possessions, safely deposited on one of the Ohio boats.

I came down on the top of him; then I got the pistols out of his belt and threw them on the bed, slipped the handcuffs onto one wrist, lifted him up a bit, and then shoved him up against the bedpost, and got the handcuff onto his other wrist, so that he could not shift away, having the post in between his arms. "Then I went to see if the Squire wanted any help, but he didn't.

All eyes but those of the agent and the gendarmes were turned threateningly on Goulard, the informer, seeming to dart flames at him. "Very good, citizen mayor," said Peyrade. "We see it all plainly. "Corporal, handcuff that boy," said Corentin, to the gendarme, "and take him away by himself. And shut up that girl, too," pointing to Catherine.

"Ha, ha!" laughed the smith, and grasped her wrist, which his hand encircled like a handcuff, and shook her. She cried out. "Be still," he commanded, "I shall not beat you." Then he pushed her from him. She slipped away to the back part of the room, found her knitting, dropped into a chair and began to put the stitches in order.

"But you didn't succeed, did you? And from now on I shall remain in the hands of Mr. Luckstone, my attorney." "That is the sensible thing to do," commended the lawyer. "Why, he threatened to handcuff me and take me to jail if I didn't tell him all about Mr. Whitmore's death," complained Collins. Luckstone turned to face Britz.

I told him, with mock solemnity, that I had no doubt I was the George William Foote described on the blue paper, and my fellow prisoners gave him a similar assurance. It was a critical moment. Will they, I thought, try to handcuff us?

"My correspondence is finished," I answered, "and in the hands of this firm." A little smile about Watson's mouth and a hasty glance at the packets, convinced me that he understood my remark. "Very well, then," said the police officer, "we'd better come along. Provided you come quietly," he observed to me as I followed him out, "it won't be necessary for me to handcuff you."