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Now" and Heliobas looked half-sad, half-triumphant "she has passed beyond my power; she is dominated by one greater than I. But she cannot use her force for others; she can only employ it to defend herself. Therefore, I am willing to try you if you indeed desire it to see if the same thing will occur to you as to Zara; and I firmly believe it will."

"Finally, amid the breathless silence of all about the table, they flew off through the open window, and nothing was left but the crust. "The Queen sat back in her chair looking half-triumphant and half-ashamed.

Her heart went out to the Duke's Daughter as it had never gone out to any of her sex since her mother's death, and she showed her admiration in her glance. The other saw it and smiled, slipping a hand in hers for a moment; and then a look, half-debating, half-triumphant, came into her face as her eyes followed Leicester down the green stretches of the tilting-yard.

Di's peculiarities were out in full force, and she looked as if she would go off like a torpedo, at a touch; but through all her moods there was a half-triumphant, half-remorseful expression in the glance she fixed on John. And Laura, once so silent, now sang like a blackbird, as she flitted to and fro; but her fitful song was always, "Philip, my king."

There is vaurien in her too," was the half-triumphant reply. "There is more woman," retorted Shangois; "much more." "We'll see about that, m'sieu'!" exclaimed Castine, as he turned towards the bear, which was clawing at his chain. An hour later, a scene quite as important occurred at Lavilette's great farmhouse. It was about ten o'clock. Lights were burning in every window.

Her breath, quickened by the exertion of the dance, came unevenly between her lips as she smiled at him. "Do you still want me to go away, Dan Storran?" There was a note of half-amused, half-triumphant mockery in her voice. The last bonds that held him snapped suddenly: "Yes!" he cried hoarsely. "Yes, I do. To go away with me!"

Miss Sherwood made no move to follow the officers into that more intimate apartment, and the other two watchers remained with her. A minute passed. Then Gavegan reentered, a puzzled, half-triumphant look on his red face, holding out a square of paint-covered canvas. "Found this thing in Brainard's chiffonier. What the he I mean what's it doing out here?"

The fire had only burnt the lower frame-work of the face, leaving the features untouched; the eyes still glowed under their scorched brows with a look half-tender, half-triumphant. It was as if they said, "See what it was you loved so much." The little fool, tortured into wisdom, was that what she meant? It was always hard to fathom her meanings. Could it be that? Yes, it must be.

I was not proof against the civil sarcasm of the chairman's manner. Most intolerable of all, however, was the quiet smile lurking about the corners of Benjamin Somers's mouth, and the half-triumphant, half-malicious gleam in the eyes of the under-secretary. The man was evidently puzzled and somewhat alarmed. His looks seemed furtively to interrogate me. Who was I? What did I want?

With this remembrance and these reflections came a horrible train of shadowy fears, witnesses, verdict, surrender, spoliation arrears ruin! The man, who had gained the door, turned back and looked at him with a complacent, half-triumphant leer upon his impudent, reckless face. "Sir," then said Mr. Beaufort, mildly, "I repeat that you had better see Mr. Blackwell." The tempter saw his triumph.