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Instantly they leaped to their feet and raced along the narrow pathway, their noses close against the snow to catch the scent of Brother Antoine who was somewhere ahead of them. At times they ran from the path to follow little gullies of heavy snow.

From its position, it consists of one long, straggling street, which runs parallel to the beach, and wherever a ravine comes down, the houses are piled up on each side of it. The rounded hills, being only partially protected by a very scanty vegetation, are worn into numberless little gullies, which expose a singularly bright red soil.

The deep gullies, which were worn by torrents from the hills, prove that at certain seasons the rains here are very copious and heavy. The inlet in which the ship lay I called Thirsty Sound, because it afforded us no fresh water.

Along the troughs and gullies lay streaks of white fog, ever shaping themselves into folds and fringes, and, like wraiths, noiselessly vanishing on the hillside; while over all rested a great stillness, as though for once the fevered earth slept in innocence beneath the benediction of that world so vast, so high, and yet so near.

Despite the fearful journey, ending in the perilous ascent over rocks and gullies, she felt herself glowing with the belief that she was still in Brussels, or, at the worst, in Liege.

There were little gullies to leap over, and brooks to cross on watery stepping-stones that frequently betrayed the feet into icy water.

From Chotusitz he spreads out leftwards towards the Brtlinka Brook, difficult ground that, unfit for cavalry, with its bog-holes, islands, gullies and broken surface; better have gone across the Brtlinka with mere infantry, and leant on the wall of that Deer-park of Schuschitz with perhaps only 1,000 horse to support, well rearward of the infantry and this difficult ground?

The gullies are steep and narrow: the heat settles on them like a curse. Through this battered and crippled region, the centre of the Jordan Valley, runs the Jordan Bed, twisting like a big green serpent. A dense half-tropical jungle, haunted by wild beasts and poisonous reptiles and insects, conceals, almost at every point, the down-rushing, swirling, yellow flood.

Shallower but more numerous and regular features of the same class radiate towards the N.E. from the foot of the opposite wall. On the N.W. are several curved ridges, all trending towards Theaetetus. On the S.E. the surface is trenched by a number of crossed gullies, well seen when the E. wall is on the morning terminator.

The distance between the boys and the object that had excited their attention was not considerable and the snow was smooth and unmarked by impassable gullies. The professor's suggestion was therefore at once adopted and the young adventurers were soon on their way across the white expanse which luckily was frozen hard and not difficult to traverse.