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How big would an island have to be for us to see it from here?" "So much depends upon the contour and nature of the island, that it is hard to say. If it were low and heavily covered with their green-blue vegetation, we might not be able to see even a rather large one, whereas if it were hilly and bare, we could probably see one only a few miles in diameter."

The quest of a "crib" had ended in the unexpected fruition of Dunkerley's blue paper. The green-blue certificates had, it seemed, a value beyond mural decoration, and when Lewisham was already despairing of any employment for the rest of his life, came a marvellous blue document from the Education Department promising inconceivable things.

The morning sun, half way to the zenith, burned bright in a cloudless sky, whilst in the east and west distant banks of purple mist coloured the liquid plain with a cool green-blue, a celadon tint that reposed the eye and the brain.

She started up from the seat, pale, quivering, her hands clinched against her bosom. "For home," he repeated, fixing her with his resolute, green-blue eyes. "Please, sit down." She sank to the seat. "Do you mean " she began, but her faltering voice could not go on. "I've resigned from office," said he, swift and calm. "I've told the President I'll not take the Attorney-Generalship.

Quiet as they seemed at present, the things out of the Jumalan forest were a picture of sheer brute strength as they moved. "Let's get out of here fast!" The men kept moving, and always after them padded that silent line of green-blue, pushing them farther and farther away from the safari camp, on towards the rising mountain peaks.

Von Rosen wondered at himself for disliking Mrs. Edes in particular, whereas he disliked most women in general. There was something about her feline motions instinct with swiftness, and concealed claws, and the half keen, half sleepy glances of her green-blue eyes, which irritated him beyond measure, and he was ashamed of being irritated.

His eggs were blue and spotted with brown. And in the elderberry tree they found the grey cat-bird's nest. He was a funny bird, always crying like a lost pussy. And his eggs were green-blue. So in the fields and the woods Jehosophat, Marmaduke and Hepzebiah saw all kinds of birds and all kinds of nests and all kinds of eggs.

Far away across a plain slowly turning from bright blue-green to dim green-blue in the twilight, we saw a dream town built of violet shadows Marie Stuart's dowry town.

"But there are no birds now," said Gilian; "they are flown long ago. Still I'm sure you can easily fancy them there. I see them quite plainly. There are three eggs, green-blue like the sky up the glen, and now now there are three grey hairy little birds with tufts on their heads. Do you not see their beaks opening?" "Of course I don't," said Nan impatiently, straining her eyes for the tree-top.

Deep crevices cut the ice-fields, and in their green-blue depths lurked death, for the least misstep would dash the traveller into an abyss which had no bottom.