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The Greely expedition composed of twenty-five men, of whom only seven were found alive by the rescue party in many ways parallels, and pointedly illustrates, the Hudson expedition. There was dissension in Greely's command almost from the start.

The same kind of bell is used on the shunting engines in goods yards, where roadways have to be crossed on which lurries and handtrucks circulate, and the results as far as prevention of accidents is concerned are stated to be very satisfactory. Lieuts. Greely and Ray were received with distinguished honors at the meeting of the British Association in Montreal.

"This is a school ship, I'm told," said Captain Greely, the master of the shipwrecked vessel, who had also been invited to the main cabin. "Yes, sir; we call it the Academy Ship, and we have eighty-seven young gentlemen on board," replied Mr. Lowington. "They are smart boys, sir. I never saw boats better handled than those which brought us off from the ship," added Captain Greely, warmly.

By keeping the daily issue of food down to this pitiful amount Greely calculated that he would have enough to sustain life until the first of March, when with ten days' double rations still remaining, he would make an effort to cross the strait to Littleton Island, where he thought mistakenly that Lieutenant Garlington awaited him with ample stores.

Many public men in the North urged peaceable secession, notably, Horace Greely. Foreign eyes were turned anxiously toward America. The South was sending out millions of pounds of cotton every year, of which the greater part went to England. A London paper of this decade said: "The lives of nearly two million of our country are dependent upon the cotton crops of the States.

Colwell was wisely deaf to their entreaties and threw away the can. When Greely found that he was refused he took out a can of the boiled seal-skin, which had been carefully husbanded, and which he said he had a right to eat, as it was his own.

Moldy bread and dog biscuits fairly green with mold, though condemned by Greely, were seized by the famished men, and devoured ravenously without a thought of their unwholesomeness. When November 1 came, the daily ration for each man was fixed at six ounces of bread, four ounces of meat, and four ounces of vegetables about a quarter of what would be moderate sustenance for a healthy man.

This marked and public testimonial of your approval cannot fail to make me doubly jealous of it in days to come." Lieut. Ray followed, returning thanks in his own behalf. After other speeches Sir Henry Lefroy presented Lieutenant Greely with the following informal address: "Montreal, Sept. 2, 1884.

"One of the men spoke up. 'That's the Major Major Greely." "Colwell crawled in and took him by the hand, saying: 'Greely, is this you? "'Yes, said Greely in a faint voice, hesitating and shuffling with his words, 'yes seven of us left here we are dying like men. Did what I came to do beat the best record. "Then he fell back exhausted."

Brilliant scheme from the brain of a very bright woman, but she lost sight of the fact that Messrs. Carranza and Polo y Bernabe were at that time in Canada spying on the United States, and that all the Canadian mail was most carefully watched. Such, however, was the case, and in a short time the contents of her letter were known to General Greely, and by him communicated to me.