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While speaking he had advanced a step or two, and now extending his right hand endeavoured gently to pull down the sheet from the head of the invalid, but the attempt was vain. Two strong and nervous arms were suddenly raised and entwined in the linen, in a manner to resist all his efforts. Grantham glanced an expressive look at Captain Granville.

He was an early encourager of Pope, and was at once the friend of Addison and of Granville. He is accused of voluptuousness and irreligion; and Pope, who says that "if ever there was a good Christian, without knowing himself to be so, it was Dr. Garth," seems not able to deny what he is angry to hear and loth to confess.

We saw a great deal of him, and I was frequently in his house, and found him perfectly liberal; so much so, that he told us the faults of his country with the greatest frankness, yet he was the champion of America, and hated England. None were kinder to us than Lord and Lady Granville.

"That was before you knew Granville Kelmscott, you mean," Nevitt responded with an unpleasantly knowing air. "Oh yes, you needn't wince; I've heard all about that. It's my business to hear and find out everything. But circumstances alter cases, as you justly say, Gwendoline.

No doubt that in those first days Violet was in love with Ranny. No doubt that she looked after him as much as Violet could look after anything; every bit as much as she looked after Granville. But the hard fact was that Granville and all his furniture required a great deal of looking after. Ranny too. To begin with, he had what Violet called an awful appetite.

By promising this to his wife he won from her a gleam of returning sanity. And Count Octave is attending the funeral in person." "Well, then, Monsieur le Comte," said Camusot, "let us complete our work. We have a very dangerous man on our hands. He is Jacques Collin and you know it as well as I do. The ruffian will be recognized " "Then we are lost!" cried Monsieur de Granville.

"Justice is strong enough to bear them," said the young attache to the Courts, with the pride of a coming magistrate trained by Monsieur de Granville. "Allow me, my dear sir; with two sentences this difficulty may be avoided." And the journalist-lawyer wrote as follows: "The forms of the law have nothing to do with this sad event.

Gresham insisted upon their calling their own, Lady Jane Granville was the first person to offer her congratulations. Alfred begged his sister Caroline from Lady Jane, as he had already obtained his father's and mother's consent.

Granville had aimed so purposely, to maim and terrify them. The natives faltered and fell back. As they did so, Granville emerged from the shelter of the acacia bush, and fired a second shot from another point at them. At the same instant the Namaqua raised a loud native battle-cry, and brandished his assegai. The effect was electrical. The hostile tribe broke up in wild panic at once.

Forty-five acres had been promised to each settler-family; it was found necessary to diminish the number to four, and the denseness of the bush rendered even those four unmanageable. Disgusted with Granville Town, the new comers transferred themselves to the present site of Freetown, the northern Libreville.