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Then Dellarme saw that grandfather had not yet been carried away and no litters remained. What was to be done? Grandfather was prompt with his own view. "Just leave me behind. I've done my work, I tell you!" he declared. "Can't lose you, grandpop!" said Stransky. Quickly shifting his pack to the ground, he squatted with his back to the old man.

"Waal this is a ghost story and ghosts don't move fast." "Ho! ho!" laughed Bellew hollowly. "As I was sayin', grandpop didn't like the idee of some night seeing a tall form, all in white, come gliding down among them tombstones, and raising its hand cry to him in a solemn voice " "Wow." The shout came from Summers. He had suddenly felt something light on his shoulder.

Sort of a cross between Father Time and Santa Claus, he looks like, with his bumper crop of white alfalfa, his rosy cheeks, and his husky build. Also he's attired in a wide-brimmed black felt hat, considerable dusty, and a long black coat with a rip in the shoulder seam. I heard a couple of squabs just ahead of me giggle, and one of 'em gasps: "Heavings, Lulu! Will you lamp the movie grandpop!

But still Jimmie remembered once before he had knelt at that same spring, and that when he raised his eyes he had faced a crouching panther. "Mebbe dad told me it happened to grandpop," Jimmie would explain, "or I dreamed it, or, mebbe, I read it in a story book." The "German spy" mania attacked Round Hill after the visit to the boy scouts of Clavering Gould, the war correspondent.

Gewhilliker! didn't I have a splendid time at grandmother's that winter! I wish I could live there always. And grandpop is just the nicest man I know! I just hate a farm." Doris felt very sorry for him. She thought she would not like to work that way with her bare hands. Miss Recompense always wore gloves when she gardened. "I'd like to be you, with nothing to do." That was a great admission.

"He's second cousin on his father's side to some French missionary, you bet your life. He's got a gait like a Jessut priest. An' he's not Osage on't other side, neither. I'll bet his mother was a Kiowa, an' that means his maternal grandad was a rattlesnake, even if his paternal grandpop was a French markis turned religious an' gone a-missionaryin' among the red heathen.