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"A year ago, did you say? Christopher Columbus! if we only had a place to show in we could celebrate the centennial anniversary of Gotown." His hearers burst into laughter, and Big Ed concluded that the way Handy took in the situation was worthy of a treat on the house, to which the newcomer, Myles O'Hara, was specially invited.

"Then will follow a dance, 'The Fox Hunter's Jig, by Mr. Myles O'Hara, a prominent citizen of Gotown, who has in the most generous and patriotic manner volunteered to add to the festivities for this occasion. It will be his first appearance on the stage. The music for this event will be supplied by the celebrated Irish piper, Mr.

Don't you know, my friend, that a glove fight might leave Richmond open to a challenge from some ambitious and undeveloped Gotown pugilist, and then where would we be I mean you? Oh, no! But I tell you what wouldn't be altogether out of place." "Well, let us hear it."

He drifted into the profession on the tide of his own vanity and continued in the lower ranks through the merit of his complete unfitness to advance a rung higher. There are many of his kind in every calling. "I wish to say one thing right here and now," said Handy, and with firmness. "I want no unwilling volunteers, and I am not offering bounties. This Gotown venture promises well.

It was ordered only a short time ago. The owner of the theatre knows nothing about our business and left it until, I am afraid, it's too late. So now you can see the fix I am in." "That's too bad, too bad! Where do you play after leaving Gotown?"

Had you stood on this same spot you are now standing on, a year since, and in broad daylight, the only thing you'd have seen, barrin' the ground, would be the cattle in the field and darned few of them, at that and a few houses here and there, miles apart. A year ago, my friend, lacking a few days, Gotown didn't exist.

"Is it a cemetery? you ask," said the landlord, after he had enjoyed Handy's amusing inquiry. "A cemetery, eh? Well, all I can say is that you'll find in Gotown the liveliest lot of ghosts you ever tackled in your life, if you visit the place. Gotown, a cemetery! Well, I'll be darned if that ain't the best I've heard in a blue moon!" and again he started in laughing.

Handy's company was weak in terpsichorean talent, and he determined to strengthen it by securing local talent through the services of the representative from Gotown. "Mr. O'Hara," said Handy, addressing Myles, "did I understand you to say that you were something of a dancer?" "That you did, sir; an' so was my father afore me, God rest his sowl!

Tickets bought of speculators on the outside will be refused at the door The entertainment will start at 8 o'clock and wind up when the audience have all they want P. S. Don't miss this chance, for it will be the only anniversary of its kind with which Gotown will be honored in a long time to come. The Weston Handel and Hayden Philharmonic Society will handle the Music

"Why, darn it, man! 'Richard' will be all Greek to them the Gotown public don't know anything about Shakespeare. Maybe never heard tell of him." "But they will know all about him after we introduce him. But that has nothing to do with the case. Now let me enlighten you. I am afraid you don't catch on to the situation.