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The next day the drovers and shepherds arrived with the stock, and drove them over Glengarry's bridge to a place between the Tarra and Albert rivers, called the Coal Hole, afterwards occupied by Parson Bean. there was no yard there, and the animals would require watching at night; so Donald decided to send them back to Glengarry's yards.

Now, Lord Westmoreland was the head of the English Jacobites, and at Mereworth, according to authentic family tradition, Prince Charles held his last Council on English ground. The whole plot seems delightfully transparent, and it must be remembered that in October Newcastle knew nothing of it; he only received Glengarry's information early in November.

There is something strangely terrible in the calmness and conciseness with which the instructions are given. "Your troops will destroy entirely the country of Lochaber, Lochiel's lands, Keppoch's, Glengarry's and Glencoe's. Your power shall be large enough. I hope the soldiers will not trouble the government with prisoners."

"ABBOTSFORD, 16 January 1831." Sir W. alludes to Mrs. Piozzi's Tale of The Three Warnings. Macbeth, Act I. Sc. 3. Eccles. xii. 3. Crabbe's Borough, Letter xiii. See Pirate. The deer-hound Bran which was presented by Macpherson of Cluny; Nimrod was Glengarry's gift. See letter to Miss Edgeworth, printed in Life, vol. ix. p. 345. I Henry IV., Act II. Sc. 3. No. 1 Castle Street.

The day after the battle a young Macdonald, a private soldier of Clanranald's company, was withdrawing the charge from a gun he had taken on the field. He had abstracted the bullet, and, to clean the barrel, fired off the piece. Unfortunately it had been double loaded, and the remaining bullet struck Glengarry's second son, Æneas, who was in the street at the time.

Moscheles gives lessons at two guineas by the hour, and he has actually found scholars in this poor country. I presided at the Celtic Society's dinner to-day, and proposed Glengarry's memory, which, although there had been a rough dispute with the Celts and the poor Chief, was very well received. I like to see men think and bear themselves like men.

As the sad star which was born on the Prince's birth-night waned and paled, the sun of Pickle's fortunes climbed the zenith, he came into his estates by Old Glengarry's death in September 1754, while, deprived of the contributions of the Cocoa Tree Club, Charles fell back on his last resource, the poor remains of the Loch Arkaig treasure.

So it is absurd to set up the jus sanguinis now, which Glengarry's ancestors did not, or could not, make good, when it was a right worth combating for. I wrought out my full task yesterday. Saw Cadell as I returned from the Court. He seems dejected, apprehensive of another trustee being preferred to Cowan, and gloomy about the extent of stock of novels, etc., on hand.

On Decemuber 31, his birthday, he wrote to Waters, 'the indisposition of those I employ has occasioned this long silence. Mr. Dormer was his chief medium of intelligence with England. 'Commerce with Germany' is mentioned; efforts, probably, to interest Frederick the Great. Glengarry's contingent is estimated at 3,000 men. On February 28, 1751, Charles is somewhat reconciled to his old mistress.

He had provided for the expected refusal by orders of a ruthless severity. "Your troops," he wrote to the officer in command, "will destroy entirely the country of Lochaber, Locheil's lands, Keppoch's, Glengarry's, and Glencoe's. Your powers shall be large enough. I hope the soldiers will not trouble the Government with prisoners."