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Our sweet Chaucer telleth of a mirror in the which he that looked did see all his past life; that magical mirror is no fable, for in the memory of love, old things do return and show themselves as features do in the glass, with a perfect and most beguiling likeness.

Our hospitable friend now made us drink a glass of wine, as old and genuine as the curiosities of his cabinet; and while sipping it, we ungratefully tried to excite his envy, by telling of various things, interesting to an antiquary and virtuoso, which we had seen in the course of our travels about England.

How pleasant it would be to see him always seated at the well-appointed table! how the silver and glass would sparkle! how they would wake the echoes of the old house with happy talk and merry laughter! and the old man became quite enamoured of the picture which his imagination had conjured up.

I'm very thirsty. You don't happen to carry a flask, do you?" "No, my lord, I don't." "Then we'll make the best of our way home, and have a glass of wine there." And on this occasion his lordship intended that his offer should be accepted. Lord De Guest at Home The earl and John Eames, after their escape from the bull, walked up to the Manor House together.

But first you must get your breath, and then drink once more." He handed her the glass, and when she set it down again, he said: "You must drain it, for my sake, to the very bottom." Amrei drank and drank; and when the glass was empty in her hand, she looked around the stranger was gone!

If Guest has yet another card up his sleeve, he has kept it secret from me. I must see him at once." "You will let me hear from you soon?" she begged as I departed. "The newspapers may have more to tell you than I," I answered. "But I will come again about the situation!" Guest was waiting for me in the little glass enclosure we called an office. He saw my news written in my face.

'Just one moment, Sheila, he answered slowly, 'just one moment. 'How long will you be? He stood erect and raised his voice, gazing the while impassively into the glass. 'It's no use, he began, as if repeating a lesson, 'it's no use your asking me, Sheila. Please give me a moment, a...I am not quite myself, dear, he added quite gravely. The faintest hint of vexation was in the answer.

She was delighted with the result of her observations, and said that it was marvellous. Finally she told me to go and stand there, as she wanted to have a look at me through this glass also. She then exchanged places with me, and desired that I should look through the glass and see if I could make out what she was doing.

Elegant tables and chairs, sofas of a magnificent description, splendid looking-glasses, and prints of the principal public characters of England, as well as views of sea and land engagements, set in handsome gilt frames, beautifully cut glass decanters, and glasses, glass chandeliers, and a number of other things, too numerous to mention, were all mixed together in the utmost confusion.

After shaking off the water, Claude went up the deep archway entrance, to a courtyard, where the light was quite greenish, and where there was a dank, musty smell, like that at the bottom of a tank. There was an overhanging roofing of glass and iron at the foot of the staircase, which was a wide one, with a wrought-iron railing, eaten with rust.