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But they were twenty feet from the ground, he had no ladder, and if there had been one at hand he could not have mounted it yet. His eye fell on the big earthen jar, more than half a man's height and as big round as a hogshead, half full of broken glass from the experiments.

The toast having been honoured by all and by none with a richer reverence than by Oover, despite his passionate mental reservation in favour of Pittsburg-Anabaptism and the Republican Ideal the snuff-box was handed round, and fruit was eaten. Presently, when the wine had gone round again, the Duke rose and with uplifted glass said "Gentlemen, I give you " and there halted.

Happily the box had a glass lid, so the inmate could be seen in comfort; and when the spider's history was told there was always an interest created in even this poor despised creature. When first placed in its new home the Tegenaria began spinning tunnels of white silky web in various directions across the box.

And I remember we noticed then especially that we couldn't hear a single sound from her even when the haul yards were let go; and, you know, without the glass, I saw their Old Man singing out something; but we didn't get a sound of it and we should have been able to hear every word. Then, just before eight bells, the thing Jessop's told us about happened.

The captain reconnoitered the shore with his glass, and, to his infinite vexation, saw the loiterers in the full enjoyment of their "wildgoose-chase." Nettled to the quick, he immediately made sail.

The sheets of glass are cut according to the lines of the drawing, and after being well cleaned, they are placed on the paper on the places for which they have been cut out. If the window to be stained is of large size and consists of several panels, only one panel is proceeded with at a time.

He poured himself out another glass of wine, and drank it at a draught before he replied. "It's not so easy to tell you what I want," he said, "after the tone you have taken with me about my wife." Mr. Kendrew looked surprised. "Is Mrs. Vanborough concerned in the matter?" he asked. "Yes." "Does she know about it?" "No." "Have you kept the thing a secret out of regard for her?" "Yes."

"Kathleen is completely unnerved; come and help me quiet her." At that moment Henry arrived, tray in hand. "I couldn't find the whiskey, sir," he explained, breathless with hurry. "But here's some cognac, sir. Let me pour it out," and he handed a filled liqueur glass to Whitney, who swallowed the stimulant at a gulp. "Shouldn't mind having some of that myself," announced Miss Kiametia.

"Don't let me interrupt your drink! I only want a few words with you." "I'll fetch another glass, sir" murmured the discreet man-servant, and vanished. Scott stood, stiff and uncompromising, by his chair. There was a hint of hostility in his bearing. "What can I do for you?" he asked. Bathurst ignored his attitude with that ease of manner of which he was a past-master.

The chairman of the meeting got Lincoln a glass of water, and Conwell thought that it was from a personal desire to help him and keep him from breaking down.