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It was Fra Gianmaria, who was known throughout Venice for his great learning.

Three days later on October 18 Guidobaldo, accompanied by his nephews Ottaviano Fregioso and Gianmaria Varano, re-entered his capital amid the cheers and enthusiasm of his loyal and loving people.

The Servi said it out, for all to hear, "that it was a modern wonder of a Child in the Temple!" But Fra Gianmaria hushed them, and was afraid; for often while he taught he came upon some new surprise, for he perceived that the boy's mind held some hidden spring of knowledge which was to him unfathomable.

"Ah, the pity of it the pity of it!" Fra Giulio had exclaimed. "They should show mercy he is still so young a man!" "Ay, young enough to need much discipline," bravely muttered a friar who dared to disbelieve in their prodigy. "Silence!" commanded Father Gianmaria, who was now the Superior, in a stentorian tone; for within these walls there was no appeal from his judgment or his temper.

We received him as a child into our fold, and we are responsible for his development. But his condition is not normal." "Genius is abnormal," Fra Gianmaria had responded shortly. "He hath no wish but for this ceaseless mental labor; all natural youthful fancies, all joy in the things of beauty for these he careth naught."

"Thou, not yet out of thy novitiate, doest well, verily, to prate of obedience and doctrines," interrupted Father Gianmaria, less severely than he was wont to treat such breaches of etiquette; for Fra Francesco had deep, spiritual, loving eyes, in which an unuttered wonder sometimes seemed to chide, for all his gentleness; and his ways were winsome.

Vitelli made haste to place his artillery at Guidobaldo's disposal for the reduction of Cagli, Pergola, and Fossombrone, which were still held for Valentinois, whilst Oliverotto da Fermo went with Gianmaria Varano to attempt the reconquest of Camerino, and Gianpaolo Baglioni to Fano, which, however, he did not attempt to enter as an enemy an idle course, seeing how loyally the town held for Cesare but as a ducal condottiero.

"Is it strange or is it well," asked Fra Giulio with hesitation, "that in this year he hath spent with us he asks not for his mother, nor the little maid his sister, nor seemeth to grieve for them? For the boy is young." "Nay," answered Fra Gianmaria, sternly; "it is no lack, but a grace that hath been granted him."

The Baglioni were pressing Michele da Corella in Pesaro, but to little purpose; whilst the butcher Oliverotto da Fermo in Camerino of which he had taken possession with Gianmaria Varano was slaughtering every Spaniard he could find.

The chimes of the chapel sounding joyously broke in upon these demonstrations, and two little choristers came running back to tell them that, by order of Fra Gianmaria, a Te Deum for the safety of Fra Paolo would be sung, in lieu of the interrupted vesper service.