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The clocking hen her chirping chickins leads With wings & beak defends them from the gleads My next and last is fruitfull pleasant May, Wherein the earth is clad in rich aray, The Sun now enters loving Gemini, And heats us with the glances of his eye, Our thicker rayment makes us lay aside Lest by his fervor we be torrified.

His father was born in the sign Gemini; this is a fighting sign; the father selected this sign himself, by his great fighting power; the sign is not a spiritual one but a worldly one, and shows avarice in great grasping of worldly things. He never thought that his father was so great, until three or four years ago.

An inseparable case of coxcombs, city born; the Gemini, or twins of foppery; that, like a pair of wooden foils, are fit for nothing but to be practised upon. Being well flattered they'll lend money, and repent when they have done. Their glory is to invite players, and make suppers.

The detection of Uranus, unlike that of Ceres, was effected by accident. Sir W. Herschel was looking for double stars of a particular kind in the constellation Gemini when by good fortune the stranger was observed.

Therefore you do not know how much careful calculation, skill, and knowledge are to be had for that small piece of money. Therefore you cannot sit down in the evening and pore over its mystic signs. Indeed, I fear you do not know what a zodiac is, or what the meaning of "Cancer the Crab" and "Gemini the Twins" may be.

The Manor itself however looked wide-awake and cheerful, smoke poured up from the chimneys and glints of firelight sparkled through the windows, all the shutters, which had been put up after the departure of the 'Sisters Gemini, were taken down blinds were raised and curtains drawn back, and as soon as these signs and tokens were manifested, people were not slow in asking Mrs.

Verily thou hast proved thyself the magician, and I but a poor wretch in comparison, for lo! thou art rich and honoured, and I poor and proscribed. Deign to forgive thine enemy, and take him as thy slave by right of conquest. Oh, Cogsbones! oh, Gemini! what a jewel thou hast got!"

And yet the Sun of Life has risen the Divine light glows. O child of Adam! Remember that "In Him was life, and life was the light of man, and the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." Gemini Two stars are rising at angles to each other and to the Polar star, while eight stars shine faintly in the black space of background.

That is by making one of these stars revolve around the other just as the earth revolves around the sun, or the moon revolves around the earth. Some motion must, therefore, be going on in every genuine double star, whether we have been able to see that motion or not. Let us now look at another double star of a different kind. This time it is in the constellation of Gemini.

" and at the same time hold over him the threat of exposure for connection with the Severus faction, and the Pescennius faction, and the Clodius Albinus faction. He had it all down in his journal. He can easily be involved in those conspiracies if Marcia isn't satisfied with his spying in her behalf." "Gemini! The man will break down under the strain. He has no stamina. He will denounce us all."