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Good Lord, picture thieves Romneys missing Gainsboroughs His voice trailed off as he found the lamp and lit it. Relief and disappointment were nicely blended in his next words: 'No, it's still there. The soft light of the lamp filled the studio. 'Well, that's a comfort, said Lady Wetherby, sauntering in. 'We couldn't afford to lose Oh!

There are Romneys and Gainsboroughs and Sir Joshua Reynoldses, and all sorts of magnificent treasures there." "Doubtless," said Maggie. "But when I tell you what we did you will laugh." "What did you do? Do tell us, Mags." "We sat in easy-chairs. I faced the portrait of a very beautiful lady after whom Cicely Cardew is called." "Of course I know her well I mean her picture," said Isabel.

She would like to be a nun, she says, if the habits were prettier, and they allowed long curls down the back, and Gainsboroughs above the brow. As it is, Miss Deedy occupies a somewhat abnormal position, dangling, like Mahomet's coffin, between the Church and the world. That, again, is Miss Deedy's peculiarity. Miss Wiggles is a "sensitive."

Some idea of the value of these pictures may be gained from the fact that an offer of twenty thousand pounds for one of the Gainsboroughs was refused; and there are other pictures quite as valuable, not only by English masters, but by great continental artists as well. King James I visited Knole House and preparations were made to receive him as befitted his rank.

She was a little distressed that the Gainsboroughs were not there; she whispered her feeling to Harry apologetically, well remembering his objection to that branch of the family, and his disinclination to have them or any of them at Blent. "Cecily ought to be here," she murmured. Harry started a little; he was not accustomed in his own mind to concede Cecily any rights.

"Four Rembrandts," said Falloden, looking at his list, "two Titians, two Terburgs, a Vermeer of Delft, heaps of other Dutchmen four full-length Gainsboroughs, and three half-lengths two full-length Reynoldses, three smaller three Lawrences, a splendid Romney, three Hoppners, two Constables, etc. The foreign pictures were bought by my grandfather from one of the Orléans collections about 1830.

When she had wanted him to keep the house and the name, she had no idea of the true state of the case. And in fact she herself had done it all by requesting him to invite the Gainsboroughs to her funeral. That was proof enough that he had not wronged her; in the mood he was in it seemed quite proof enough. Realities were still a little dim to him, and fancies rather real.

She had also, of course, seen all the neighbors who were looking on like herself, but who gave their best attention to Janie Iver and disappointed Miss S. by asking hardly any questions about the Gainsboroughs. A most vexatious occurrence for Lord Tristram, said Miss S. But one that he ought to bear patiently, added Mrs Trumbler.

And after all, both ladies agreed, it would have been hardly decent to turn the Gainsboroughs out on Monday, as it was well known the new lord had proposed. But the Gainsboroughs were not in Mina's thoughts just now. "Nothing is to be made public yet please remember this. But I want you to know that I have just written to Harry Tristram to say I will marry him.

There were nine little Gainsboroughs and, shocking to relate, the artist of the family was so ready with his pencil that when he was ten years old he forged his father's name to a note which he took to the schoolmaster, and thereby gained himself a holiday. There is no account of any other wicked use to which he put his talent.