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It must be done by a man. It can't be done by an ordinary man, because he does not understand it. Bon Dieu! Who has not been at those dinners? those monstrous exhibitions of the pastry-cook's art? "Try a little of that fricandeau," says Mrs. Snorter, with a kind smile. "You'll find it, I think, very nice." Be sure it has come in a green tray from Great Russell Street. "Mr.

It naturally happened, that on the pleasant Sunday afternoons, when we had disposed of our small, but often sumptuous dinner; perhaps a gigot de mouton with a clove of garlic in the knuckle; a fricassée de lapins with onions, or a fricandeau, Panpan himself would tell me part of his history; and in the course of our salad; of our little dessert of fresh fruit, or currant jelly; or perhaps, stimulated by the tiniest glass of brandy, would grow warm in the recital of his early experiences, and the unhappy chance which had brought him into his present condition.

Our dinner was an excellent soup, the boiled cod garnished with fried smelts, the roast beef and a FRICANDEAU with sweet breads, then a pheasant, and afterwards, dessert. This morning Mr. Bates came very early to see us, and then Mr. Joseph Coolidge, who looks very young and handsome; then Mr. Colman, who also looks very well, Mr. Boyd and a Mr. Haight, of New York, and Mr. Gair, son of Mr.

"Oh, my dear Mrs. Rideout, have you tasted this vol-au-vent? You really should. I have got the bill of fare" (with girlish elation). "There's fricandeau of veal, calf's-head collops, tripe

Whenever, for my part, I see the head man particularly anxious to ESCAMOTER a fricandeau or a blanc-mange, I always call out, and insist upon massacring it with a spoon. All this sort of conduct makes one popular with the Dinner-giving Snob.

Cover the pan close, and let it stew slowly for three hours; then take up the meat, remove all the fat from the gravy, and boil it quick to a glaze. Keep the fricandeau quite hot, and then glaze it. Serve it with the remainder of the glaze in the dish, and sorrel sauce in a tureen. The following is a cheaper way of making a good fricandeau of veal.

Did you mean to say ” “Yes, sir, my soul is hiccup! humph! yes, sir.” “Did you not intend to assert ” “My soul is hiccup! peculiarly qualified for hiccup! a ” “What, sir?” “Stew.” “Ha!” “Soufflée.” “Eh!” “Fricassée.” “Indeed!” “Ragoût and fricandeau and see here, my good fellow! I’ll let you have it hiccup! a bargain.” Here the philosopher slapped His Majesty upon the back.