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Updated: January 29, 2025

Then suddenly he put his hands to his shoulders, and tore off his epaulets, he drew his sword, broke it across his knee, threw the two fragments on the pavement, and, trembling with rage, exclaimed with a solemn voice, "Colonel, you disgrace the number of your regiment." "All right, all right," said Espinasse. The Presidency door was left open, but all the other entrances remained closed.

Two or three of the Strangers were blown away presently. It seemed to John's horrified eyes that one of them entirely vanished in minute fragments. He knew now what annihilation meant. The heavy French field guns behind them were firing over their heads, but there was still nothing in front, merely the low green hills and not even a flash of flame nor a puff of smoke.

From the fragments of the debates which were chronicled in the newspapers of the Capital, it is clear that the Convention of 1844, in providing for the exercise of executive power in Iowa, aimed to make the Chief Magistracy a representative institution and to limit the influence of the Governor in legislation.

What particular poems or fragments of poetry had been first sent to Burke is uncertain; but among those submitted to his judgment were specimens of the poems to be henceforth known as the The Library and The Village.

All those of the Rue Sainte-Nicaise, and even some in the adjacent streets, were badly damaged, some fragments being blown into the house of the Consul Cambaceres. The glass of the First Consul's carriage was shivered to fragments.

Her clothing consisted of a single gown and a shawl made out of the fragments of an old counterpane; her clothing with exception of the shoes on her feet, those two articles were literally all that covered her bare body. Rage for drink was with her reaching the final mania. Useless to bestow anything upon her; straightway it or its value passed over the counter of the beershop in Rosoman Street.

'They did all eat, and were filled. And then they took up not 'of the fragments, as our Bible gives it, conveying the idea of the crumbs that littered the grass after the repast was over, but of the 'broken pieces' the portions that came from Christ's hands twelve baskets full, an immensely greater quantity than they had to start with.

Passages from Seneca, from Epictetus, from Marcus Aurelius, sound even now like fragments of the inspired writings. The Unknown God, whom they ignorantly worshipped as the Soul or Reason of the World, is in spite of Milton's strictures the beginning and the end of their philosophy. Let us listen for a moment to their language.

It was a geological book, containing an account of the boulders. "Yes, they're rare old fellows, those boulders!" he said; "and to think that we should pass them without noticing them! And over the street pavement, the paving-stones, those fragments of the oldest remains of antiquity, one walks without ever thinking about them. I have done the very thing myself.

Here and there, half buried, sand-scoured planks and fragments of spars showed, relics of wrecks that had come ashore in past winters. "Five years ago," remarked Captain Eri, "there was six foot of water where we are now. This beach changes every winter.

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