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I saw him spar, not long since, at a private exhibition, and do himself great credit in a set-to with Henry Finnegass, Esq., a professional gentleman of celebrity. I am pleased to say that he has been promoted to an upper clerkship, and, in consequence of his rise in office, has taken an apartment somewhat lower down than number "forty-'leven," as he facetiously called his attic.

The trees were nice and green and shady, and there was a little brook that was bubbling and babbling over the mossy stones and then all at once Uncle Wiggily heard the queerest music he had ever heard. It was like forty-'leven bands all playing in the park at once. "My, I must be near a big picnic!" cried the rabbit. "I shall have to look out for myself, or some boys may chase me."

"Looks as if you couldn't have been so very hard on them, else they'd never come back." "I ain't a-flatterin' myself. That was a 'Hobson's choice. But " "But they must have been badly frightened to have done it." "Yes, Ephraim, they are, and I am. I'm so stirred up I don't know whether I've beat these eggs all one way, like I ought, or forty-'leven different ones, like I ought not. I'm flustered.

"Where are you going with it?" Oh, nowhere in particular. He hoped to earn a little money; that was all. "Is your room picked up?" "No." "And the front porch has to be hosed off for Sunday; never mind the neighbors until my work's finished, son." Mothers must have forty-'leven pairs of ears to catch fellows the way they did. He stopped to argue with her, but she shook her head impatiently.

I saw him spar, not long since, at a private exhibition, and do himself great credit in a set-to with Henry Finnegass, Esq., a professional gentleman of celebrity. I am pleased to say that he has been promoted to an upper clerkship, and, in consequence of his rise in office, has taken an apartment somewhat lower down than number "forty-'leven," as he facetiously called his attic.

Then the people bought all the balloons, until the man had none left, and I guess if he could have sent for forty-'leven more he would have sold them also. "I will pay you good wages to stay with me, and go up in a balloon every day," said the man to the rabbit. "You would help me do lots of business." "No," said Uncle Wiggily. "I must travel on and seek my fortune.

"Runs fine," said Grand-daddy. "'Most takes my breath away," gasped Buster. "Say, Limpy-toes, why are we stopping?" "Run down again, I guess," sighed Limpy-toes. "Must we stop every few minutes and wear our paws out cranking it up forty-'leven times?" grumbled Grand-daddy. Again they were off and again they stopped. This time they were in the middle of Mr. Giant's clover field.

I've said it forty-'leven times, lest I forget. The message is from Pa Field-Mouse, Squire Cricket, Sir Spider, Daddy Grasshopper, Mr. Hop Toad, and Mr. Jack Rabbit. They bade me say this: "Dr. Grand-daddy Whiskers "We woodfolk are sometimes sick; we need a doctor. We wish our children to have a teacher. They must learn to read and write. Our wives must learn to cook and sew.