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"Ah," she said, "I shall never forget that day! It was the first time, you know, that he was received as he deserved to be." My reporting experiences at Newcastle were as varied as those of most journalists.

Her share of it was another matter. Perhaps Mr. Carleton thought so, for he immediately bent himself to reward her and to avert the evil, and for that purpose brought into play every talent of manner and conversation that could beguile the time and make her forget what she was among. If success were his reward he had it.

But in general the southern part of the lake is deeper than the northern: nor must we forget that, if all the shores be now low, the southern part of the basin is the nearest to a chain of mountains with abrupt declivities; and we know that even the sea is generally deepest where the coast is elevated, rocky, or perpendicular.

'You are over-bold, girl, he said; 'for less words than these many a one might find herself stretched upon the stone of sacrifice. But I will forget them, for your woman's pride is stung, and you know not what you say. Do you forget them also, Teule, if you have understood.

"Dearest Betty," said the child, looking lovingly at her, "I know you can swim, but you never could have held me up as that stranger did. Oh!" with sudden recollection, "we did not ask his name! Did you forget?" "No," said Betty, "but when I told him ours and he did not give his name in return, I thought perhaps he did not care to be known, and of course forbore to press him."

Then she wrote to the man who had undertaken in an evil moment to deliver the would-be lover's message: SIR, When you left me this morning, and I reflected a moment, your officious message, which at first appeared to me a joke, looked so very like an insult, I cannot forget it.

I want you to promise me you'll be very careful where he's concerned, even cold." "Cold!" she said indignantly. "But I'm married! You seem to forget that!" Francis had not forgotten it in the least. He forgot it all too little for his own comfort, he might have told her. But he was rebuked.

Most of the clouds, late so dark and sullen, were putting on garments of light, as if resolved to forgive and forget, and leave no doubt of it. But the sun did not look satisfied with his day's work.

"Never!" returned Blix, in an indignant whisper. "I tell you what. We could go and then come back in five minutes. I'll forget my stick here. Savvy?" "You would probably do it anyhow," she told him. They decided this would be the better course. They got together their things, and Condy neglected his stick, hanging upon a hook on the wall.

I began to regain my self-possession. "Mr. Candy is beyond the reach of my resentment," I said angrily. "But the trick that he played me is not the less an act of treachery, for all that. I may forgive, but I shall not forget it." "Every medical man commits that act of treachery, Mr. Blake, in the course of his practice.