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To please a whim, a caprice, you set yourself to flout him, as is the way of your sex when you behold a man your utter slave. From this being all unversed in the obliquity of woman he conceives, poor boy, that he no longer finds favour in your eyes, and to win back this, the only thing that in the world he values, he behaves foolishly. You flout him anew, and because of it.

However foolishly she may have deluded herself, betrayed a fatal incapacity to divine, she believed when she went to the altar with Lawrence Pole that she was marrying a Man, one whom she could respect as well as love, and to whom she should remain loyally bound in mind and heart and soul. She was ardent, this delicate Southern girl. Under a manner that had seemed to comrades at St.

"Would you be willing to exchange with him, Luke?" "There is one thing I wouldn't like to exchange." "And what is that?" "I wouldn't exchange my mother for his," said Luke, kissing the widow affectionately. "His mother is a cold, proud, disagreeable woman, while I have the best mother in the world." "Don't talk foolishly, Luke," said Mrs.

Madame de Lamotte also was foolishly allowed sufficient time after she heard of the arrest of the Cardinal to burn all the letters she had received from him. Assisted by Beugnot, she completed this at three the same morning that she was: arrested at four.

And by and by the ox-wagons came up, and the oxen brought the flies. For a time then the only sounds were the slow crunching of the feeding horses and an occasional inarticulate snarl from some one or other who foolishly tried to brush the flies away from his face. Eventually, after a long time had passed, Means rode into the grove of trees, un-heralded by Mac and alone.

"When I think," murmured the lawyer, "that I have been ten years covering these walls, and that I have still this panel to fill." In fact, at the most conspicuous place on the wall there was an empty place, emptied rather, for a great gold-headed nail near the ceiling showed the visible, almost clumsy, trace of a snare laid for the poor simpleton, who let himself be taken in it so foolishly.

The sentiments of the class he belongs to are less yielding, the fineness of his own feelings has been too deeply wounded, and when he has stabbed his reputation, he is apt, foolishly, of course, to fling the rest of his respectability after it.

The men of the Yellows, so suddenly made leaderless and faced by enemies so many and determined, could not fuse into concerted action. They hesitated, looked foolishly at one another, and lost whatever chance they had of success.

"May I ask the name by which I may remember you?" He was clean bowled, for he, foolishly, had not prepared a plausible name. "I am called," stammered he, "Captain Rouille." It was the best that he could do on the instant the translation of his uncommon English name into French. "A strange name," she murmured, "though the sound of it is beautiful. Rouille!

She is not to be imagined as a pundit excavating from within herself slabs of profound wisdom, nor yet as a pupil astoundingly instructing her masters, nor even as one of Mrs. Sturgiss's blue stockings, packed with surprising lore. Rosalie was nothing so foolishly impossible, but she displayed herself knowledgeable.