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It is also known with the higher animals, even after early youth, that the skull yields and is altered in shape, if the skin or muscles be permanently contracted through disease or some accident. With long-eared rabbits, if one ear flops forward and downward, its weight drags forward all the bones of the skull on the same side, of which I have given a figure.

Having now set upon a longer journey the day being fine and the sidewalks thronged you pass by a restaurant that is but a few doors up the street. A fellow in a white coat flops pancakes in the window. But even though the pancake does a double somersault and there are twenty curious noses pressed against the glass, still you keep your course uptown.

Our rescuer, who proved to be a fine big young man in the bloom of youth, and a farm-labourer by trade, in corduroys, carried the wretched sufferer to the cottage where he lived with his aged mother; and then Oswald found that what he had forgotten about the leeches was SALT. The young man in the bloom of youth's mother put salt on the leeches, and they squirmed off, and fell with sickening, slug-like flops on the brick floor.

I've never seen this before. I didn't know it existed! Suddenly he sees that he was giving himself away, so he flops down and pants like a horse with the heaves. "I put the things back in my pocket, and calmly says, 'I reckon you'll pony up the five thousand, won't you? Well, sir, what do you think he does? He pulls himself together and politely asks me to have a julep.

But the hard glass drips on to the marble; the pools hover above the dessert sand; the camels lurch through them; the pools settle on the marble; rushes edge them; weeds clog them; here and there a white blossom; the frog flops over; at night the stars are set there unbroken. Evening comes, and the shadow sweeps the green over the mantelpiece; the ruffled surface of ocean.

'Tell the man who 'tis you suspect. My aunt Dorothy said: 'Harry is not bound to mention his suspicions. 'Tell him yourself, then. 'Does it matter ? 'Yes, it matters. I'll break every plank he walks on, and strip him stark till he flops down shivering into his slough a convicted common swindler, with his dinners and Balls and his private bands!

The guy in front, perhaps hearing the tooting chorus behind him, stopped just down the road, and like an idiot, put his Jeep into reverse and came hurtling back toward me. He skidded to a stop and put on his emergency lights. What kind of jerk ties down a Christmas tree so loosely that it flops off in the middle of a freeway? We were only doing twenty miles an hour in the rain, no less.

I heard the storekeeper play it, and I took it on the spot and paid cash down. "Me and Ben and Uncle Cal and a Mexican lifted it out of the wagon and carried it in the house and set it in a corner. It was one of them upright instruments, and not very heavy or very big. "And then all of a sudden Uncle Cal flops over and says he's mighty sick. He's got a high fever, and he complains of his lungs.