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You can joke all you want to about the flirty young Internes. They're nothing but fellows. But it isn't it isn't respectful for you to talk like that about the Senior Surgeon. He's too too terrifying!" she finished in an utter panic of consternation. "Oh, now I know it was the Senior Surgeon that made you jilt your country beau!" taunted Zillah Forsyth with soft alto sarcasm.

Confound the woman! she was always against him; what she would have liked was to have half a dozen travellers dangling about her, so as to pit one against another and distribute the orders among them just as flirty females distribute their smiles, instead of putting trust in one. Where had her husband gone for his holiday? he asked; she said Weymouth and then was sorry she had let it out.

He went out, while Elaine gazed rapturously at the new trinket while it ticked off the minutes this devilish instrument. Early the same morning Kennedy went around again to the apartment house and, cautious not to be seen by Flirty, recovered the telegraphone. Together we carried it to the laboratory.

Then Sary found her power of speech. "Why, Sam Brewster! You-all can't mean that! Send dear, innocent Jeb to such a wicked city as Denver, all alone, to be caught by them ravenin' wolves? Ain't you hear'n tell of flirty gals what goes about vampin' nice young men jus' fer a good time?

"I canna make up my mind," he said, "whether she liked that, for she rapped my knuckles wi' her fan fell sair, and aff she gaed. Ay, I consulted Tammas Haggart about it, and he says, 'The flirty crittur, he says. What would you say, Mr. Dishart?" Gavin managed to escape without giving an answer, for here their roads separated. He did not find the Wild Lindsays, however.

I exclaimed, "isn't that like the old man dragging me off this story before it's half finished in order to get another. I'll have to go. I'll get this story from you, Craig." The day before, in the suburban house, the Clutching Hand had been talking to two of his emissaries, an attractive young woman and a man. They were Flirty Florrie and Dan the Dude. "Now, I want you to get Kennedy," he said.

FEIFTEEN, the Jacobite rebellion of 1715. FENDY, good at making a shift. FIRE-RAISING, setting an incendiary fire. FLEMIT, frightened, FRAE, from. FU, full. FULE, fool. GABERLUNZIE, a kind of professional beggar. GANE, gone. GANG, go. GAR, make. GATE, gait, way. GAUN, going. GAY, gey, very. GEAR, goods, property. GILLFLIRT, a flirty girl. GILLIE, a servant, an attendant.

We tried to make it happy for everyone we knew Jud and Gussie and Marie and the flirty chimney-sweep who goes by here every morning, and the washwoman who lives in the alley, and the milk-boy who comes so far through the cold to bring us our milk, and Caspar Dodds' family and and all of them; and we even remembered the canary and the dogs, but we never thought of the birds outdoors."

She was one of those who go with the last speaker; but, for that very reason, the eternal companionship of so flighty and flirty a girl as Miss Lucas was injurious to her. One day Lady Cicely Treherne was sitting with Mrs.

She fetched him a tiny slap across his cheek, for which she was caught and made to suffer again; then she wriggled loose, and, with a flirty backward kick at him, disappeared through the inner doorway. In a moment she returned, dropped him a bit of curtsy, and informed him that her mistress would receive him.