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She everywhere presents disorder alongside of order, retrogression alongside of progress. But, though finality cannot be affirmed either of the whole of matter or of the whole of life, might it not yet be true, says the finalist, of each organism taken separately?

There was about this period no sense of finality, but it was as experimental, in its own way, as were the years of progressing design which preceded the war period.

Then as he would have protested, she put up her hand with a gesture of finality. "It is no use, my lord. What love there is in me, that you could never have aroused not even in the past. I entreat you not to insist. Love cannot be compelled. It is or is not.

"Good Lord!" he gasped, and in those two words he revealed the complete overturning of a life-long estimate of himself. It seemed to take more than his breath away. "Good-bye," she said with finality.

For one disconcerted instant Judge Maynard wavered; he caught his breath before that level scrutiny; then with a flourish of utter finality he threw up one pudgy hand. "There's one of 'em right now," he cried. "There's Young Denny Bolton, who went to school with him, right here in this town. Ask him if Jed Conway was pretty handy as a boy!

The illusion of finality is strong. The men of the Middle Ages would have found it hard to imagine that a time was not far off in which the Last Judgement would have ceased to arouse any emotional interest.

"Nevertheless," said Gregson, quietly, "it was Miss Brokaw whom I saw the other day, and that is Miss Brokaw's picture." He pointed to the sketch, and freed his arm to light another cigarette. There was a peculiar tone of finality in his voice which warned Philip that no amount of logic or arguing on his part would change his friend's belief. Gregson looked at him over his lighted match.

I know that, like tales written by good people, Nikhil's discourse always ends in a moral. The strange part of it is that with all his familiarity with moral precepts, he still believes in them! He is an incorrigible schoolboy. His only merit is his sincerity. The mischief with people like him is that they will not admit the finality even of death, but keep their eyes always fixed on a hereafter.

"Such as I have," I muttered, "are hopeless. They were built on sand and they have fallen." "Then reconstruct them," she said. "You are far too young to speak with such a note of finality." "Some day," I answered, "I suppose I shall. At present I am content to live on, amongst the fragments. One needs only imagination.

He had written in his journal a few weeks before: "Bennoch and Henry Bright are the only two men in England to whom I shall be much grieved to say farewell; but to the island itself I cannot bear to say that word as a finality. I shall dreamily hope to come back again at some indefinite time, rather foolishly, perhaps, for it will tend to take the substance out of my life in my own land.