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After the custom of experienced newspapermen, he rapidly twirled a makeshift cup out of a sheet of copy paper. He poured himself a draught of clear but rather tepid water, and drank it without noticeable relish. His lifted head betrayed only the automatic thankfulness of the domestic fowl. There had been a time when six o'clock meant something better than a paper goblet of lukewarm filtration.

Gravimetric analyses involve the following principal steps: first, the weighing of the sample; second, the solution of the sample; third, the separation of some substance from solution containing, or bearing a definite relation to, the constituent to be measured, under conditions which render this separation as complete as possible; and finally, the segregation of that substance, commonly by filtration, and the determination of its weight, or that of some stable product formed from it on ignition.

With the increase in depth of infected zones, through the increasingly lethal nature of the persistent compound, the tank will he compelled to rely on filtration methods of protection, instead of the use of compressed oxygen in a gas-tight compartment.

This water-hole is in latitude 22 degrees 11 minutes; the natives had fenced it round with branches to prevent the sand from filling it up, and had dug small wells near it, evidently to obtain a purer and cooler water, by filtration through the sand.

There was just time enough to plunge aside, to leap a fence into a rain-soaked pasture; and there I crouched, the water squishing over my dancing-shoes, while with a flare, a slant of rain, and a glimpse of flogging drivers, two hackney carriages pelted by at a gallop. I pulled out my watch. A fickle ray the merest filtration of moonlight glimmered on the dial. Fourteen minutes past one!

To summarize: The aqueous has direct access to the anterior uveal venous system; the physiological thickening of the strands of the meshwork of the iris angle supplies a mechanical obstruction between the anterior chamber and the venous sinus of Schlemm; intra-ocular pressure stands at the same level as the intra-venous, consequently, the hydrostatic pressure is the same on both sides of the iris angle meshwork, because the canal of Schlemm is a secondary venous system; lastly, the outflow of aqueous into the venous sinus is by diffusion, not by filtration, because the pressure is the same on both sides of the meshwork.

As already noted, many precipitates of the general character of this sulphate tend to grow more coarsely granular if digested for some time with the liquid from which they have separated. It is therefore well to allow the precipitate to stand in a warm place for several hours, if practicable, to promote ease of filtration.

We remark, therefore, that all things are made of one stuff, and on the principle that a difference in degree produces a difference in kind. From the clod and the rock up to the imponderable, to light and electricity, the difference is only more or less of selection and filtration. Every grade is a new refinement, the same law lifted to a higher plane.

The reservoirs are constructed in colonnades, supported by ashlar pillars and roofed with rubble; for the water must be shaded from the sun in this hot climate; the pillars are buttered over with cement, and there is over a foot of cement concrete on the flooring, to guard against filtration.

We are mostly like an inland lake that has no visible outlet; while he is the same lake gifted with a copious channel. The secret seems to lie in the temperament and in the transmuting and modifying medium. More or less of filtration does it all.