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Ann Veronica had come down thinking of nothing in the world but her inflexible resolution to go to the dance in the teeth of all opposition. She did not know Mr. Manning's handwriting, and opened his letter and read some lines before its import appeared. Then for a time she forgot the Fadden affair altogether. With a well-simulated unconcern and a heightened color she finished her breakfast.

He sat in much the same attitude, and she stood just as she had stood when he told her she could not go to the Fadden Dance.

She thought of her father, and with an effort dismissed him from her mind. She tried to imagine the collective effect of the Fadden Ball; she had never seen a fancy-dress gathering in her life. Mr. Manning came into her thoughts again, an unexpected, tall, dark, self-contained presence at the Fadden.

Part 3 Her mind got back to the Fadden Ball. She meant to go, she meant to go, she meant to go. Nothing would stop her, and she was prepared to face the consequences. Suppose her father turned her out of doors! She did not care, she meant to go. She would just walk out of the house and go....

Manning; secondly, by some measure or other, she meant to go on with her studies, not at the Tredgold Schools but at the Imperial College; and, thirdly, she was, as an immediate and decisive act, a symbol of just exactly where she stood, a declaration of free and adult initiative, going that night to the Fadden Ball. But the possible attitude of her father she had still to face.

Palette, who had spoiled many canvases and paintbrushes in the East, attentively studied Blizzer in detail, and found his hair was combed, his shirt buttoned at the collar, and his trowsers lacking the California soil which always adorns the seat and knees of orthodox mining pantaloons. "It's her as did it," said Pat Fadden; "an' 'tain't all she's done.

"Maybe she whispered, an' he give her a talkin' to," said Paul. "Have you heard about Ezra Tower?" said Mrs. Vaughn, shaking her head at the boys and changing the topic with shrewd diplomacy. "Much; but nothing new," said Trove. "Well, he swears he'll never cross the Fadden bridge or speak to anybody in Pleasant Valley." "Why?" "The taxes.

Lawd Chelmsford, like most Englishmen, is a large, juicy chump. Of course our Anglomaniacs are all traitors in posse, as their Tory forbears were in esse, and would sympathize with "deah old England, dontcherknow," should war be precipitated by her burning all our coast cities without provocation; but as Chimmie Fadden would say, "Dat cuts no ice."

"I don't see what else I could have said," he remarked. Part 1 "Are you coming to the Fadden Dance, Ann Veronica?" asked Constance Widgett. Ann Veronica considered her answer. "I mean to," she replied. "You are making your dress?" "Such as it is."

They had asked her to come to the first of the two great annual Fadden Dances, the October one, and Ann Veronica had accepted with enthusiasm. And now her father said she must not go. He had "put his foot down," and said she must not go. Going involved two things that all Ann Veronica's tact had been ineffectual to conceal from her aunt and father.